You may or may not know that suicide is the biggest cause of death for males under the age of 45 in the UK but what you may not realise (and what I didn't know) is that in the last 10 years enough men have committed suicide in the UK to fill Stamford bridge to capacity with an extra 2000 men laid dead on the pitch. Just something to think about.
I've found in the last 6 months or so that football isn't worth worrying about. There's always a bigger picture, and certain events in your life make mundane things like Barnsley's home form seem insignificant. If anything, troubling yourself over something you have little control over, only worsens your mental health. Sadly I can believe the figures you have posted. It's a very sobering thought.
But it's the things that might not seem that important in the grand scheme of things that actually make life worth living. Whether that be football, music, cricket, films, books, computer games etc. Without these things life would be a pointless existence.
I have to disagree. Family, relationships, once in a lifetime experiences. This is what makes life worth living. Football is just something to do on a Saturday. For me at least. I don't even miss it any more when there's not a game, to tell the truth.
I suppose only if you find enjoyment in those things. I've had pretty much a full blackout of social media over the last few months, barring the odd foray on here and twitter, simply because I've found no enjoyment in it. I used to... I've often enjoyed a good debate on here when times have been both bad and good. But at the minute I just feel like there's no point to it all. Getting worked up over nothing really. I realised when I was at work a while ago, when doing some training into spotting customers with potential mental health issues or suicidal thoughts that my own mental state probably wasn't up to scratch, and the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I'm not actually enjoying football at the minute. Talking, watching or reading about it. Something I've done as a routine for 25 years.
So you honestly would enjoy life with no hobbies whatsoever? Sounds a bit boring to me. How often do you have once in a lifetime experiences?
But if someone doesn't find enjoyment in anything life it must make existence pretty dull and miserable.
You don't by your posts in this thread seem to value much the interaction with your fellow human. If indeed there is any.
I take your point but I do disagree somewhat. I’m very much into my music and I’ve met friends for life and formed relationships through a love of bands and going to gigs. Similar can be said for my love for football, cricket and other hobbies that have brought me closer to like minded people. I’ve also had once in a lifetime experiences through the pursuance of hobbies. The two aren’t mutually exclusive in my opinion.
Not just a male problem. Sadly I've lost four people I know to suicide, and the most recent two were women.
you ( as in yourself) are the only person that can sort the mess that is going on in your own head, if you can ( and its a big ask) hang on to the thread that makes you realise the pain and heartbreak that you'll leave behind, well that's a start. an earlier poster is right, there's absolutely **** ALL you can do about things you cant control, concentrate on the little things and build on that. also everybodies triggers are different !
No idea how you come to that conclusion. Then again, I don't profess to be an expert on the workings of the mind of a sociopath
That's not what I said. There's a difference between having hobbies, and your hobbies being what makes your life worth living. Personally, I wouldn't take any hobby over quality time spent with my wife for example, given a one for one choice.
So having opened this thread about a serious subject and being a member with over 30000 posts you would 'de-ounce any cyber bullying / trolling and give support and advice to the victims of such abuse?. Especially as cyber bullying has led to an increase in suicidal thoughts amongst young males.
I suffer from depression & 15 years ago, on the point of having to sell my house and let bailiffs take a lot of my stuff, I was in Barcelona & was very close to going off the balcony. It really doesn't surprise me at the figures & it is good people can talk about it these days.
Quite a bizarre first post. Any particular reason to search back 6 months and quote my post with such a weird question?
I understand the reasons why some old posts are bumped back to the top but I can't think of any reason to bump this back to the top. Bizarre.