Doubtful they will be sat at the side of each other. The season ticket holder will be sat in seat of his choice. The bloke who has forked out more than 3 times more, will be sat behind the corner flag in the east stand.
I agree that matchday pricing is too much but there is little BFC can do about it unless the owners decide to subsidise the club to a much larger extent than they might be (or not be) planning on doing. Players are over paid as it is and we STILL can’t compete If they made season tickets dearer to essentially subside match day prices, season tickets numbers would fall, especially given how ***** we’ve been for the last 15 months
The free season tickets are a great initiative and the club should be proud of them. Your example shows that innovative ticketing works.
Have they though? Anyone who has a season ticket is currently paying about £100 per win. That's hardly vfm is it?
Maybe but that situation is a direct consequence of the need of the club to get as much cash in as possible during the close season especially if in L1. Put it this way, if they put season tickets up to say £450 (Ponty) to reduce match tickets to say £25 I’d be inclined to see whats what and pick and choose - the club know this and can’t afford to do it
Ffs one hasn’t paid £11.74 he’s paid £300+ yo front and nobody ever has to pay £38 . But don’t let the facts get in the way
Someone who makes a last minute decision to attend a Category A* game (Leeds, Sheff W, Sheff U) would have to pay £38 on the day. An adult early bird season ticket works out at £11.74 per game. That has been taken from the club's own marketing.
Never heard such nonsense in my life. They should make season tickets £2.50 for existing holders, and put pay on the day prices up to £50 a game, just to see you implode.
I’ve had a season ticket for over twenty years and I’ve never paid £11 or whatever . What o have done is pay my money upfront not picking and choosing my games so I watch the crap along with the mediocre and the enjoyable games . £38 ? A* has never been a pay on the day so no , nobody has ever paid £38 . I’m not having a go because I agree we need to get more folk through the turnstiles !
Those fixtures were then designated all ticket matches with no tickets being available to purchase on the day. No one could make a last minute decision to attend those games and have to pay £38.
I take it Mathematics isn't your strong point. Divide your up front money by 23. If you were an adult early bird renewal that works out at £11.74 per game.
It doesn't really make a difference to the point I was making though does it. £11.74 and £36 are still too far apart.
As I say yet again I paid £300+ up front . So that’s the only maths there is . Seems to me you have a problem with season ticket holders ? As you say previously the club are too generous to us . Well I reckon they should give you a free ticket and deliver it to your house and arrange to pick you up and take you to the game but I’m guessing you’d still have something to moan about !
I believe match day prices are too high for supporters who are unable to commit to a season ticket, either through cost, where they live or work commitments and more should be done to prevent the alienation of these fans. However, it isn't true to claim it cost £38 to attend those particular A* games.
The club's own marketing claim it is possible to pay £38. I accept the only games so far which have been categorised A* have been the derbies where pay on the day hasn't been allowed. You will have to forgive my oversight. I'm priced out of those games anyway, so I'm not really in the loop
Bloody Hell! I was actually agreeing with you, being both respectful & concerned towards those not able to get a season ticket. I wish I'd not bothered now.
I don't think he's moaning, he's simply saying that he can't get to enough games to make a season ticket viable and match day tickets are too expensive. There are many more like him. More should be done to to accommodate them.
I suggest you read it again. My tone is a frustrated one and the sarcasm is aimed at the situation not you.