Agree, total cover-up and CA taking the world for mugs again. It's inconceivable that they didn't have a bowler in the so-called senior leadership team. And why the **** would three batsmen be the only ones to know about the ball tampering when it wasn't going to be any of them using it?!
Warner removed himself from the team WhatsApp group after he was seen drinking champagne in the team hotel after the incident came to light - seems like some of the players had asked for him to be removed from the hotel to stop any confrontation. I really, really hope there's no way back for him - self styled sledging master who went off the rails because de Kock said something about his wife? what a grand bell he really is.
I know absolutely next nothing about this “sport” . As I try to stay clear of the boring ***** the best I can, but I know this, the way football as gone over the years, they could have got in a team from Doncaster to tarmac the strip, and brought on a belt sander for the ball, and still be nowhere near in comparison.
Already their supporters are asking for forgiveness, using mental health as the reasoning...... Base these suspensions against the Pakistan punishments and you're better off trying to cheat to win by bringing a foreign object onto the field, instead of trying to win money off bookies by bowling a no ball.
Warner and Smith have been banned for a year by Cricket Australia. Bancroft has been banned for 9 months. They also lied about the sticky tape. It was sandpaper. Six month ban they wouldn't have missed much. 12 months makes them back in time for the important things like the world cup and Ashes, which is just a coincidence obviously....
Big news that they actually used sandpaper rather than a but of tape. Seems like Warner the instigator which is no surprise.
Stinks of a cover-up. There's no way any fast bowler would not realise the condition of the ball has been changed if that was the intention. As for Lehman, well I suspect he knew too. Media made a mistake by not asking at the time "who are the senior leadership team?" They should have put him on the spot. Warner and Smith are just nasty pieces of work.
What's happened over the last week or so has come as no surprise to me whatsoever. This Australian team has been snarling it's way round the world for quite a while. David Warner is a sociopath, and that's being polite. Nathan Lyon saying he wants to end people's careers and throwing the ball on to an opponent who had been given out. We've had Mitch Johnson snarling his way through games until his recent retirement. All actions done in the knowledge that they have the safety of being on the field with the protection that offers: no-one is likely to turn round and give them a smack. We've had the Australian's squealing like babies because the south African crowd have been saying nasty things to some of their players: i wonder why? I'm pleased this has all come to a head and pleased that i will not have to suffer the indescretions of Warner, the putrid little man, for quite a while.
Prediction - All their supporters/apologists will be clammering for Stoke to get a life ban when he gets convicted of affray.
Enough to bring a smile to the face seeing how much Smith is suffering...... Losing his IPL 2.4 million contract for six weeks of slog cricket might play a part.
You have it just right in my opinion. Much as I love to hate the Aussies I take no pleasure from seeing men broken, reduced to tears and their families villified for ball tampering. Having played local cricket for 25 years I’ve seen many instances of roughing, scuffing, scraping, gouging, stamping and deliberately throwing into the ground. It goes off, it always has and probably always will. That it was done and detected so blatantly at international level should, I hope, lead to a clampdown but I have no time for schadenfreude and the clamour for life bans so reflective of our society where heads have to roll to satisfy the hysterical bloodlust of the modern plastic puritans. Please let perspective and common sense return to our world sooner rather than later. Real shame for Lehman.
For me the ball tampering is just a part of the wider issue. Of all the former players/coaches that have passed comment hardly any have expressed anything but condemnation for warner's actions. Many have suggested that the other two deserve to move on after their ban however. Warner is clearly a contemptious individual. He is evidently disliked amongst the majority of his peers. He has no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. I feel no sorrow for Lehman either. He has acknowledged that he had allowed this snarling culture to flourish, that his players did not respect their opponents. He cites new zealand as a template of respect that australia should now be following. So why allow this all to happen under your tenure? He has done the decent thing, finally. I feel for the decent Aussies who have been drawn into this pantomine.
The only reason Smith Bancroft and Warner are now sniffling and bawling is because they lied cheated.and got caught. No sympathy.
Smith looked like his world had ended and he'd had a close death. Crying with his dad there to comfort him and showing what I believe to be genuine remorse for being an idiot. They reckon he will lose around four million, so it's pricey for the lad. Warner on the otherhand....Walking with the wife carrying their kids with a stern poker face on him like he doesn't care. Then he's in no hurry to talk about it and says he will in a few days. How the pair have dealt with it have been total opposite ends of the spectrum. Smith will play for his country again, but not so sure about Warner with his years of bad conduct. As for Bancroft he's the Amir in all this, as the young lad new to the team taken advantage of by senior players who should know better and he probably felt he couldn't say no to. Lehmann quiting had to happen. Looks like he was told to so he could save face by not being fired.
It will be interesting to hear what Warner has to say but as said previously the bowlers must have noticed changes in the ball as would the umpires.
He seems the type that would throw someone under the bus, so bowlers beware. That a so called senior group only involved two people and ball tampering happened without a bowler are both hard to believe. Warner showed on arrival back in Australia the kind of person he is. Using his kids, who he should have shielded from the media circus he knew he would be walking into. I'm sure when they got off the plane, the airport staff could have sneaked his innocent children and his wife out privately, whilst he spoke to the media like Smith did, before meeting them to leave. His young daughters didn't deserve for their dad to put them in that situation.