If you read my post I said I suspect they are. Proof is everything. Look out our former arsehole of a leader Tony Bliar, he's another one that won't let the facts get in the way of a good old fashioned bombing campaign.
How quick some forget the invasion of Kuwait and the incubator story.. or the wmd in Iraq for the us invasion of iraq..
Saddam was a right old lovely person (& a former US spy). One could hardly say the Iraq war "went well", could you?
Was waiting for that ! How dare anybody question anything the good old red raggers say ! He might have the same initials as our lord but he’ll never walk on water , or even feed the poor . Can’t get my head round why folk up north identify with the politics of envy or indeed the odious north London Luvvie set . Must be my age , going to miners galas and CND marches back in the 80’s never thought the Labour Party would turn into the shithouses that they are now !
What, actual Socialists again? Instead of Tory wannabes? Why did you go on Miners Gala’s and CND marches?
Can you get your head around Northerners or any working person voting for Tories and defending Tory policies, because they did it in the 80s when CND marches and Miners Gala’s were happening?
If total proof can't be found there's something called 'beyond reasonable doubt '. How you and many others are trying to find a way to defend the Russians is beyond me . They tried to kill two people (one a British citizen) on our land . It can't be tollerated .
It isnt easily detectable because the culprit/s would have been in custody by now if so . This love in and not condemning Russia considering the facts given is unbelievable .
If he scores the winning goal that confirms our safety this season, he’ll not need a bus pass, he’ll have a personalised Sedan chair with Conan Troutman and Redstar as his main bearers
Because I was a member of the NUM a Labour Party member and I was a miner .owt else you want to know ?
I’ve not seen many facts and neither have you. What I do know is that a Soviet made substance was used. I don’t know what evidence there is to confirm that Russia did it There’s no love in from me for Russia.
Ha ha, I worked 16 years at Houghton Main, spent 12 months on strike in 84/85. Never went to any CND Rallies but occasional bought merchandise in support of them. Oh and the Galas, great days but struggled to remember much after 8pm