In the midst of all the despair about last night's result, I just wanted to say "well done lad" to Jack Walton for a competent and promising display last night. God knows what the score would have been without his good saves. Looked confident and far from nervous, and showed a fair bit of passion too. Not his fault at all. Great interview afterwards too, he's a well-spoken hard-working level-headed lad with a good future. Well played Jack Walton.
Agree. I felt sorry for the lad though. Imagine making your professional debut in a game like that, behind a defence that has been chopped and changed so much it has no idea how to organise itself...
He handled that situation well. For some reason, given the width that Forest played with, he didn't have a high cross to deal with, so it was impossible to judge that part of his game. His shot stopping was superb, positioning top notch, kicking adequate. Good lad!
Pulled off a couple of cracking saves and wasn't at fault for the goals. Decent kicking. I booed all the other fvckers, but he got the applause he deserved.
I didn't think he should have been selected and I said so before the game. But, given that he WAS selected, he had a fine game. One for the future.
23 games Stonesy played for us are we saying he wouldn`t have been up to it sooner, sometimes you just have to take a punt (just for Stahl). Well done Jack, hope tha keeps thi place for Setdi and aren`t too worn out by your efforts.
I hope not! By all accounts Walton did enough to get the shirt for the last couple of games. Then again with our managers chopping and changing who knows
It wouldn't surprise me if he put Lord Bobinho of Hassell in goal on Saturday. Young Jack Walton is certain to be tired after his exertions last night.
Good to give the lad some credit, no doubt after a few months the usual suspects will be circling to hurl obscenities
Actually despite all of my (and our) criticism of Jose today, I liked his decision to play Walton and think it was a brave one. The lad has got to stay as our number1 now surely.
Just me that thought he should have done a little bit better with the third goal. He tried to chip him and he parried it out to their player.
I think he anticipated the chip well, he gambled that their bloke (who'd just waltzed through our right defence as if they were impersonating a drunken grandad doing the Macarena at a wedding) would not go direct for goal. His gamble paid off at first, but the ball fell to one of theirs who finished it off his shin.