This is the way I see it. In my opinion, no more than 10 of the 22 home games have been what I would call entertaining this season - less than half. The dilemma about which division we will play in is more or less resolved now. It will be League One. What we don't know, and probably won't until the cusp of the next season in August, is what the owners are prepared to do financially to replace a team that is not fit for purpose and (in my opinion) will struggle in the third tier. Only then will it be possible to make some sort of assessment about the quality of entertainment we would be likely to see for our money. But that will cost an extra £75 in the part of the ground where I sit. So the club are inviting us to gamble on what they will do to improve the quality of entertainment, or failing that, to pay £75 more for having a little bit more idea if we wait. I suspect that will be an unattractive proposition for many, particularly the 'marginals'.
£315 is if the early bird renewal price. So you'd already need to be a ST holder and buy before 2 May. Family stand is £350 but you'll need a child which cheapest under 12 is £35 so be £385.
No its not, its about the "early bird " offer , plus , are you telling me that all the prices from other clubs quoted are there top prices or are some of them not early season offers , its just another club bashing post
You are right a quick look shows some of those on the cheaper list are even cheaper with offers or renewal. So ST has compared our post early bird prices with others post early bird prices, seems a perfectly fair comparison to. The club deserve "bashing" on this for me, the early bird price should just be the price. At the very least removing the 2nd rate of discount in May seems short sighted.
Exactly Rochdale's Early Bird Adult renewal is £150
I've already renewed. I got a good deal, fully-aware that we're getting relegated. It's probably in my interests as someone who wants to see decent crowds and winning football for them to extend it. Shift as many as possible and front-load as much money as they can.
Definitely yes. Despite what some people think, they're not that cheap post offer, especially for 3rd tier football. I'd been sitting on the fence but decided to renew this morning on the strength of having a few hours with my mates rather than spend it with the missus. Nothing to do with football reasons lol. Incidentally, why have they shut the ticket office? Queued for 20 minutes due to just 2 club shop employees serving ticket renewals as well as club merchandise. I think it would have been pretty obvious that most people would renew in the last few days before the deadline so why not open the ticket office?
To be fair to the club & show a balance , when the offer began there was a fair chance that we might stay up , so when people are making comparisons with clubs in division one they should also make comparisons with Championship , .clubs as these prices stay the same should we survive. Myself & my 2 grandkids sit on the lower west & the prices for us are £200 for me as a senior , my oldest grandson is an adult at £330 & my youngest grandson is £95 as a juvenile making a combined total of £625 for three season tickets which could have the potential to cover the championship. That works out at a rough average of £208 per ticket which is less than £10 per match , now how on earth can the club take stick for offers like that
The prices quoted are the cheapest post deadline prices for a standard adult ticket. It is the cheapest ticket for us from next week and is a direct comparison with the cheapest ticket for adults at the other clubs. I thought that would be obvious considering it was in reply to a post commenting on how competitive our post deadline price is compared to league one clubs
Ok then if that's the way we are going you will notice my list isn't complete? That is because several teams have prices for if they go up and prices for if they go down. We decided ''**** it, our fans can pay the same regardless'
The club is taking the stick for the cost of post early bird adult tickets. It's the adult price which is also the biggest problem with match day prices. Your example includes two concessions at early bird prices, of course that looks good.
Thats because they are good but fail to get mentioned, but we think £330 sat on the halfway line for either championship or division one football is a reasonable price for 23 games , you obviously do not .
For me the issue is why do the club feel it necessary to put a extra 17 quid on top of that. What purpose does it serve? The early bird doesn't feel like a discounted price, it feels like the normal price. And the normal price feels like a fine for being late at renewing.
Not to me , the normal price is what it is , the early bird is a discount offer , its up to the individual whether they take it up or not, but why people choose to criticise a discount, baffles me . The same people who are moaning would be the first ones to grumble if there were no offers from the club . It strikes me , because of the current league position & discontent amongst the fan base , its now open season on the reds & no matter what the club do they take stick , there were people on here grumbling about the free buses they put on for Forest , I rest my case
Well its simple then , if I do not think something is value for money , I dont buy it , so anyone who thinks like that , the answer is simple , dont bother