From 44 games this season we have won 8. There will be absolutely no complaints from me if we go down just frustration on what has been a horrendous campaign and the total lack of any impetus from the new owners. January was massive and predominantly a failure. Morais has been inept in the main and cannot remain next season regardless of the level we are playing at. Still my daughter and I will be there for the next chapter come August. Hopefully to see at least a few players who are worth watching
You mention January being a massive failure and the board... Well they backed Hecky and brought the players in he wanted.. So if anyone is to blame for that recruitment it is firmly at the feet of Hecky I'm afraid. We always knew with their strategy probably the best we can hope for is maybe 30% of the signings to be up to the job. Think the biggest disappointment has to be McGeehan. Probably Heckys number 1 target after McBurnie and can't work out what happened with that one, he looked a quality player at his former club.
Is that true..? Hecky said that the money was in place for the January window, takeover or not ... So did the new board actually put there hand in their pocket or was it money that the club had already made from sales..?
Heckingbottom did not ask for Knasmullner. He said yes to him but he didn’t suggest him. He asked for Moore, who wasn’t on the spreadsheet I don’t think. Heckingbottom didn’t do great this season but let’s not rewrite history, there’s not very many signings that were all him asking for a player, if any. I think we all know the players are all off James Cryne’s spreadsheet. He merely chose from a couple of choices - we will never know who else was on the list and was not acted upon nor who we tried for and didn’t get. We may have had to accept third or fourth choices.
Hecky was after a goalie from Oxford all window, but we did not match Oxfords valuation.. Not sure how much we were short, but that looks like great backing now doesn't it. Also the two lads that came over from France for talks did not sign.. wonder why that was... Still cant see the great backing from the board... sorry
Like most clubs who use a head coach the head coach tells of the positions he needs in our case the spreadsheet then highlights players of a certain position hecky then takes a closer look and gives the yes please or no thanks
You can't blame the board 100% for not getting the players you mentioned. For a start, why would they pay over the odds for a player that they didn't think was worth it? Regarding Eastwood from Oxford, you never know. Oxford may have been asking 2 or three times what we valued him at. That's not necessarily down to the board not "backing" the Head Coach. Same with the French lads. If I remember right, the rumour mill was mentioning that the players agents had agreed deals we were happy with, but once they got over here, they tried to hold us up for more cash. I back the board on that one, as once it gets out your a soft touch, every agent around will be trying it too....