It wasn't Scargill's decision. A special national delegate conference on 19 April 1984 unexpectedly voted against having a ballot. Scargill already had the posters, ballot papers and leaflets printed for a YES campaign.
Should we not just end this thread here for now? I'm sure the OP didn't intend his post to pan out this way. #COYR
Is it time for the bi annual BBS "SCAB" debate? It was missed before the Forest away game, I presume due to the nerves we were all feeling. Anyway, long story short, the "Scab" chant has gradually become less and less about the strike and more of a derogatory nick name the fans have for Forest. I know the vast, vast majority of the forest crowd will have no direct links with the Nottingham miners, but it's just something to chant now. Just like most Sheffield folk don't actually sound like an ambulance, and I'm fairly sure there aren't many of our fans that play rough as **** characters on Emmerdale.... I was 3 when the strike was on, so remember very little, but my Dad was on strike, as was some of my uncles so I have heard all the horror stories. I recently helped my lad with his history homework that was about the strike and some of the emotions it brought back in the family were very moving. So, I agree... "Never forget"
A miner mate of mine,s young Son passed away near the end of the strike and couldn't afford to bury him. He HAD to go back to work and was still called a scab and villefied, shocking behaviour from so called human beings, this and many other things happened but they were conveniently never mentioned, its time to put all this firmly in the past!
I agree, the strike itself and the after effects are heartbreaking. I remember my mam and dad arguing non stop because they were at breaking point financially and she wanted him to go back to work. He didn't, and the arguments continued. In fact, I was only 3, but I remember my dad taking me to the civic(I think) on Christmas day to the soup kitchen thing they did. The only present I got that year was from there. The German miners had had a big collection and bought a load of toys to send over for us. I got a big Playmobile plane and I saw my dead collapse in tears at the gesture... I think what I was trying to say though, is that we need to actually disassociate the chant with the strike. Your not going to get the younger end to stop chanting it as it makes them feel all grown up, political and edgy, so by "reacquiring" the word(is that the right term, like black people have done with the "N" word) may be the way forward. Thats in my humble opinion, obviously. P.S. I'm also not saying the miners strike and the black slave trade was in any was comparable, before anyone suggests otherwise. It was just a way to explain my thought process...
Bang on. I wasn’t even alive but had a Dad & 2 Grandad’s on strike. I was brought up on stories about how tough they had it. If I want to chant it then contrary to what some one here will have you believe it doesn’t mean I’m an idiot & the same for anyone else that chants it.
The one thing that we do lack is justice over Orgreave. I hope that people doing the chanting also get behind the campaign.
When my young 'un was going his History project I made them focus their essay around Orgreave. Now he's wanting to do all he can to help the campaign, which for a 14 year old is pretty decent I'd say...
He is is the lad good on him, you weren't there so you don't grasp it like those who were(no disrespect) or you would not be still wanting to shout scab it's like you say yourself - HISTORY never to be forgotten but let the scab bit go now
I don’t shout it but I have every right to like any other fan. I’m a bit confused here, I regularly see blokes in their 40’s, 50’s & 60’s chant scab who would’ve lived through it but you say if I was alive through it I’d not want to shout it? I’m far from an expert I only know what I’ve learned & been told but we have experts on the First World War, Second World War, American Civil War, etc who never lived through any of them & their comments aren’t disregarded because they didn’t live through the events they’re talking about. Do we have a situation for example where in 20 years time no one should criticise the Nazi’s as no one is alive who lived through it?
I never mentioned not criticism i said shouting/chanting scabs, would you condone nazi saluting or shouting zighile (or however you spell it no you wouldn't, scabs no different.
Does that mean that you want to be able to shout Sieg Heil to Germans when we play them? Which is where your logic appears to be taking you.
You're just wanting to argue for the sake of it and twisting my words, i rest my case, my last word on the subject. You weren't there but seem to know best, bye.
I may be wrong here, but I'd say Toby is agreeing with you in this post? It's almost identical to your post a minute before it...