I'd describe my current state as "a bit on edge" Keep checking the clock. Lovely day outside, might just take my phone to the park and watch things unfold from the safety of underneath a tree.
Knackered, walked a few miles on Hadrian’s wall yesterday, and setting off soon to Berwick , phone bi left in car till after game . Come on reds do it
I've checked the league table 5 times already. No change yet. Already have a horrible nervous knot in my stomach. I had accepted relegation weeks ago, if we go down in sure by the time the fixtures come out in June I'll be looking forward to seeing football again. But right now it feels awful.
All we had to do was draw at Leeds and Forest. Or not fck up so late on against Bolton or Bristol, and we'd be as good as home and dry right now. A gentlemanly draw against Derby and a happy summer. As it is, a day of complete torture. Don't kick off until 2.30 here, which makes it even worse.
Slightly hungover after a good rinse at my lad's football presentation last night, and also harbouring a slight complex about my tiny nob having reached my 40s and finally accepting that it isn't going to grow any more. Football-wise, extremely confident. Seriously. Setting off at 9.45, beat Derby, stop up regardless of results elsewhere, job done. We'll win today, I've never been this confident. You Reds!!!!!
Yep, that late ****-up against Bristol has weighed heavy this last couple of days. Not conceded that equaliser and we'd be on the beach now.
Birmingham fans seem quite confident. They think they'll lose, but both us and Burton winning is unlikely. I'd have to agree with them. Burton fans also seem quite upbeat, they reckon we'll lose and they'll get a draw. The Bolton boards read like Suicidal Sid in Viz. Fair to say they're all convinced they'll go down without even putting up a fight.
Weirdly I’ve got more interest in the Bolton game, I’ve resigned to the fact that neither us or Burton will get anything so all eyes on Bolton. Full of doom and gloom ain’t I!
We don't like to make it easy for ourselves. I'm ready for the worst, starting with 5 changes to the first team and the worst refereeing display since Gary Willard.
Hope to god tbe referee doesn't have a heavy part to play in deciding our fate. That would just be too much.
I have really no idea how it's going to pan out. In Wigan today and dreading looking at my phone at around 2:15. Tea today will either be a celebration or a wake!
I hate to say it, but I'm ready to be disappointed. Earlier in the week, I was sure that all of us, Burton and Bolton would lose, meaning we stayed up. But I don't know, I've got a feeling Bolton are going to perform a smash and grad against a Forest team that will already be on the beech...