I should be old enough to take a relegation in my stride, but I can't. Perhaps I ought to grow up a bit, but this relegation hurts as much as the first I experienced in 1972. As for who the new manager/Head Coach should be, I haven't the foggiest idea. I don't buy into the argument that we'll automatically struggle next season. When a true basket case club like Blackburn can bounce back after relegation at the first attempt from Division 1, then I see no reason why we can't. Self pity is on the menu now and I'm going to gorge myself on it!
I agree. I could have cried when the whistle went at Bolton. We deserve everything we got but it doesn't make it any easier. I'd hate to be my family for the next few days I'm in a mega foul mood..
I've already had the usual zingers; "it's only a game", "stop acting like a kid", "they might win a few in league 1", all as if they would feel better. She's a Bolton fan too, so it makes things even worse!
Hi kev. I'm just back into the Manx. Really disappointing mate. But thrashed and hoping others can do us a favour is never a good position to be in. Anyway mate on a positive note we now have two games at Wembley to look forward to. As we do.
I'm completely indifferent to today. As soon as we conceded that pathetic first goal we were down, and I'm already looking forward to next season in a league that gave us so much happiness only 2 years ago. We'll be back and better for going down.
I didn’t feel anything to be honest. My dad’s been in hospital. Been in his garden for first time in months today. He’s not out of the woods yet, waiting for bone marrow test results. Football really doesn’t matter that much.
Very well said, old mate. You've rightfully made me feel ashamed of my immaturity and childishness. Good luck to your Father and you.
He’s a fighter mate, wasn’t trying to belittle you. Got my own body mot next Thursday, blood cholesterol and prostate.
I did not want to go down, but have to agree with you. Perhaps L1 is our level in this world of silly money football.
It's been such a terrible 18 months, on and off the pitch, that I can't say it's really affected me one way or the other. I just hope the owners are going to back us as the support so far has seemingly been non-existent.
Good luck to you and your Dad RT. Family and good health is everything. I am feeling very down at the moment because the players have not delivered. I feel the pain of our supporters, but I'm optimistic we can bounce back. An experienced Coach and hopefully the excitement of the recruitment of some better quality players during the close season, should soon lift everyone's spirits in readiness for the new season.
Ah. Doc said my last reading, which was years ago was 7.2. But he said it was different measurements then. He then measure my waist with a tape, but he did it round my belly button!. He said I’m in the red and need to drop a belt size. Told him I’m not having it, only Simon bloody Cowell has his trousers that high.
Was told my Prostate reading was 4.5 but haven't a scooby what that might mean. As for cholesterol, I was taking two tablets a day. I lost four stone and cut back on the ale and after a recent test, was told I no longer needed to take any medication. Having said that, I might just have a few bottles of Marston's Pedigree tonight, to numb the pain and drown my sorrows.