I've not had one for about 6 seasons. Neither has my mum or my brother. But my dad gets one every season, and did this year too I believe.
I've always received one before. This season I've had nothing. No letter, no email, nothing. And yes, they do have my email address.
To be frank, the kind of people who don’t have email access have probably been fans for quite a while. They know there’ll be an early bird deal and probably even the vague dates for when it’ll run to etc. Yes a reminder would be nice, but long term fans pretty much know the deal by now.
''The deal" was different this year though. May prices abolished. Something I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for the bbs
Quite right. Bizarrely, this place is my ONLY source of club information. Someone posts on here 'Can't fkin believe the robbin cnuts cut the fkin early bird off before we know what ******* division we're fkin in', which translates to 'Please ensure you renew your ST before 30th April'. Back to your original point though, same here, no letter and no text message which I used to get plenty of from the club. Not sure about email. Not read them for about 4 years.
Didn't get a renewal form but did get a nice letter off the club informing me that the £10 ticket that I renewed for my 11yr old son shouldn't have gone through as he turns 12 before the 1st of august deadline and that I had to pay another £90 or his seat would go on general sale. They did give me while end of june to pay this though, which I assume is to make e thank them for their wonderful kindness
I got a reminder letter complete with pricing and some other marketing a week before the early bird deadline.
Not this year. Every other season I’ve had a letter but not this time. Only renewed in the week before the Early Bird finished. Haven’t had any personal email either just the regular weekly one
It does seem strange that people are not getting any reminders, either by email or snail mail. Wonder if the CRM system has a flag to say how and when people have renewed over the last few years, so doesn't send reminders out to those that usually renew online(before any reminders would have been sent anyway)?
This may be why some people have got season ticket info by post and others haven't. I've just seen this while doing the opt-in exercise. Mine was set to email only. I can't remember if it was there before.
Not being funny but the thread is about season ticket renewal letters , well if you have not had a ticket for seven years then you are not going to get a renewal notice because simply you do not have a ticket to renew