Basically everyone else is the same as me, we've no idea what's coming. We can only go on what's been said already which is the bit at the first press conference, which spoke about Hecky and the fact he was a Barnsley lad and not going crazy. They did employ Jose though and that was verging on crazy and he wasn't your typical local lad. I'm not expecting much other than an experienced player or 2 which is slightly off the spread sheet and I'm expecting a bigger name manager than McCann, we can still follow the initial plan that they bought in to with just a few sensible amendments. I think communication from the club could be better, they obviously need to keep targets under wraps until they are signed up but a quick hello, we should have someone in within a couple of weeks, the interviews are going well, weve had a good response of cvs etc. A prediction with no basis to it but I think the new coaches first signing will be Adam Hammill to get the coach straight in the good books with the fans and sell a few extra season tickets.
The only reason to be thankful for deedar land is that it helped me, marginally, to help me understand the science of trigonometry: (Sheffield City Transport) (Over Hills) (And Hills) (Over Again) [Sine Cosine Tangent] [Opp/Hyp] [Adj/Hyp] [Opp/Adj]
That’s because you believe anyone that does OWT AT ALL will only do it for money. That’s a poor way to think. We have discussed this time and time again on here. FFS - when considering the owners objectives forget about PROFITS. As you have said - these successful business people who are now the owners have spent much of their time and effort to get hold of the club. They have done this because they want to be involved in English football. That’s all - full stop - end of - period. They know that it will cost them millions - but they have millions to spend. Only the biggest clubs in England make a profit- all the rest lose money. We have one of the richest owners in the football league - so owt can happen - and reading this message board it’s clearly obvious that the vast majority of fans haven’t grasped that yet.
I liked him but I posted a thread on here about twelve months ago suggesting he was replaceable and got slated for it so....
When you assess what input impact they have had up to now it seems you are right and basically they wanted to own a football club in England. We were not in debt and wouldn't cost a fortune to buy and then maintain at a reasonable level. I don't see much prestige though for them in owning us or Oakwell being somewhere to entertain business associates and that's not intended to put our club or town down but it's a sensible observation. I also agree that for the coming years that making a profit isn't their priority and leaving Ganaye and James in charge they are hoping the youthful pair will keep it going without losing too much money either as per the original plan. I don't though quite believe that's all full stop I think there is still another why that's not been explained yet but I've no ideas as to what that could be.
Well they aren’t gunna make much coin out of little ole Barnsley like that anytime soon then. Waste a time buying the club for me if after the massive setback of relegation we’re just gunna keep shuffling round the bargain bin with our fingers crossed, load a **** if so for me I’m afraid....
Let's wait & see. I don't know & neither does anyone else. I've watched a team that has been locally owned for years. The last local owner was at least a multimillionaire, although during his tenure hit by legal & medical issues. We are in the land of the unknown. It could be Narnia, or just Barnsley.