Totally agree. You, Conan and Hemsie are/were my favourite posters. Love reading your posts. People get upset too easily.
So essentially by stating im English im aracist Good I wonder what my Pakistani friends would think.of that
HT is still prolific on Twitter, or so I’m told. In fact less than a minute ago he posted a Tweet directed at GG labelling him an incompetent CEO. Edit - Second Tweet posted in French. Unbelievable.
Exactly. If I'd have said that then I would avoid anything remotely to do with racism etc.... but he continues to push it and clearly hasnt learnt anything. Sarcasm about racism is going to be lost on pepole when you've previously made racist remarks!
I would not personally refer to a Chinese person as a chinky or someone from Pakistan as a paki. I would class those terms as racist and not as a term of endearment.
It's good to see you posting again Conan. I don't always agree with what you post but you do bring genuine debate to the board which is welcome. Oh and it's usually BFC related which is a big plus. If only we could get Thereev posting again...