Id say, for whatever reason... the only one willing to work for the money... only one willing just to coach and not buy HIS players.. or just did very well at interview... That Grant McCann was going to be our man.. But with the reaction of the fans.. on here and facebook ect... The clubs ar5e dropped out, with McCann . So after 5 weeks we are still looking... Bet they couldn't believe their luck when David Hopkins resigned yesterday to take a bit of the pressure off. He'll not be coming here tho either.... No one will want to come to us, to put their b0ll0cks on the line.. and just coach what is given too em.. unless its a massive step up.. i.e we take a risk. Or we could change our philosophy maybe to attract a proper manger. But sadly I don't think we'll go down that route, seeing the new owners bought the club for that very reason.. We're no closer getting a new man in, than the day jose got the boot... pi55 poor Bfc..
I'd rather they try and get someone suitable, even if it takes longer. And just like player transfers, if someone doesn't want to come, you can't force them. We don't quite have the pulling power some people imagine we have.
Oops I thought from the title this was another political post about the govenrments Brexit strategy - my bad. But to take your OP seriously - what makes you think that the club was really about to offer McCann the job only to drop the idea because of a few posts on here and twitter etc. I cant believe thats the case. I also dont have any idea what the delays are - maybe holiday season has slowed things down, maybe the job has been offered and either the the target is discussing various things before accepting or turning us down I have no idea.
I take it all you have said is fact , you must have some serious contacts at the club to come out with accurate information like you have posted , thanks for putting us in the picture
Oh some of us know what the problems are, but some are/ or tried to be shouted down .. But we're not going anywhere..
Just speculation on a public forum... read it and weep like BBC Chris... or don't read it's up to you..
So what should we have done then? Any serious suggestions on who we should have appointed that the club has missed out on? As far as I can see we are linked with and/or spoken to all the realistic candidates.
You will have to translate , I do not know what BBC Chris crying has got anything to do with your opening damning statement , I am totally confused , you make a post, I comment about it & you waffle about someone weeping , strange