Fairly sure you are going to be disappointed I'm afraid Nudge. There's no cash being splashed. Plans largely the same and expect a lower league manager and sticking to budgets. That's what I'm hearing at least. Wouldn't be surprised to see us cash in on a few before the season starts if we can get any takers. Lower the budget and get in line with SCMP and all that.
The initial post is unique. No other like it to my knowledge. What you are getting confused with - like a few on here get confused with - is that although the initial post is unique in how it looks at an issue it is however related to a popular theme on here so the relevance to that issue and what has been said previously is brought back into the discussion. In other words the initial post is building on previous discussions. If we had one thread relating to the managers post then that post would have hundreds of replies, many of which would be going off at a tangent as people introduced new ways of looking at it.
If that’s the case we haven’t progressed. I was hoping for a young hungry continental manager that would attract foreign talent. If we are stuck with the same old - then the new owners are not bringing anything to the table.
If that’s the case then stay away fans like me will carry on carrying on doing other things on a weekend until there is a modicum of success back at oakwell. Not a great plan to put bums back on seats for me, thought this consortium were successful business people? Sounds like we’re just a hobbie amongst their other interests to me. All a bit pointless buying Barnsley FC from where I’m looking at the mo with that policy, ah well....
Totally agree. Massively disappointing all round if we’re sticking to the previous corner shop mentality. If our relegation should’ve said something to the new owners it was pay peanuts, get monkeys. Not a successful business plan to me that.
It's far too early to say. Just because they aren't going to chuck money at it doesn't mean they won't tweak the model, provide better management, exploit commercial opportunities and grow the club in a sustainable way. What is it you say? The jury's out?
Can’t see how they can grow the club without a bit of expenditure tbh they have to prime the pump . I’m amazed that 8k have renewed ST’s after what’s been an awful 18 months . They can choose to do nowt in which case we’ll go backwards or they can inject some cash in the infrastructure and the staff (playing and otherwise ) and start the club on an upward curve . If we’re to progress as a club the only way is to spend some money ! There’s ways round ffp and salary cap as other clubs always seem to be able to flout the rules with no major comeback . Would still love a big name player starting out on the managerial road to give us all a boost . I mean fookin Grant McCann ? Really ? Hardly going to put bums on seats is he , not good enough for Peterborough but favourite for the Oakwell gig , just can’t get my head round it . Come on Mr Lee give us supporters something to hang out hats on . UTR
Mek thi mind up ??? It’s either - that I’m going to be disappointed - or - it’s too early to say. I’d have thought - that the new owners would have stayed with the same plan but a more expensive one - bringing in young foreign players that are more expensive than the young players previously brought in. To do that they need a manager at the club that will attract those young foreign players. The likes of Hurst etc etc will NOT do that. Morais fitted that bill exactly. On paper he had all the right credentials. He just didn’t know how to manage a struggling Championship team. So I can only see a manager being appointed that is on similar lines to Morais. If it’s not - if it’s a lower league manager then what the owners said about giving the club a more international appeal just doesn’t make sense.
Your second paragraph is the nub of it ..."you'd have thought".... seeing as the new owners haven't outlined any form of strategy or objective or reasoning for having bought the club, all our collective assumptions, guesses, hopes are just conjecture. Its very interesting though that the two recruiting phases for the coach/manager under this ownership have been unbelievably secretive compared to the old regime and the leaks that would come out.