wasnt it better when racists were proud enough to just admit they were racists, like in the 60s and 70s. Racists don’t seem to want to admit it these days. They start every sentence with ‘I’m not a racist but...’ And the old favourite, ‘I’m not a racist I’ve got lots of friends that are Asian, Black etc’ When these statements are muttered invariably you are at least a little bit racist or have full blown racism of the brain. It would be much easier if they just said, ‘look mate, I don’t like ‘em, coming over here making me curries and making sure the shops are open at Christmas, I suppose I’m a full mental racist on that front.’ It’s be miles easier than us non racists having to skirt round the question or spend time educating them that they are ridden with the old racism. It’s probably save me a week or two a year in trying to get some one to admit it.
I don't understand why they don't admit it. The fact that they deny it shows they know it is wrong so why do they continue to hold those beliefs? It's like when people call me a 'lefty' like it is supposed to insult me or something. I'll happily wear it like a badge, I'd never dream of starting a sentence with 'I'm not a lefty but...'
I think when it is not overt i.e with likes of BNP supporters then a lot of it is down to a fear of other cultures, fear of change etc. so they might not consciously see themselves as racist but deep down all this is going on in the background for them. I hear plenty of people in their 60s including my parents make the odd comment about something and to me it's this fear of the unknown. Doesn't make it right, though
The great irony is that its the areas with minimal migration that are most fearful of change and different cultures. It's not even an education thing, you visit areas like the Cotswolds and the 3 counties and there are some very well educated people who are racist. We all have bias, some conscious, some unconscious, and it's important we understand those. I've met some wonderful people all over the world, from all religions, backgrounds, cultures and environments. There is a richness from understanding difference, and lets be right, our differences as humans are actually miniscule. But for whatever reason, ignorance, stupidity, bitterness.... there are far too many racists in this country. And even though they may deny they are racists.... since the brexit vote, I've certainly heard more emboldened opinions from these "not racists, buts".
I'm not going to say too much about Brexit here but suffice to say if there wasn't a significant minority of racists in the UK we'd never have voted to leave. I've noticed now though that being non racist has become like a badge of honour to some. There shouldn't be any need to trumpet the fact that you're not racist. It should be a given. There seem to be some though who now use their lack of racism as a excuse all for anything else they believe. It's almost "everything I do or say is ok cos I'm not a racist". I wouldn't say it's widespread but I think it now exists. And I'm not accusing anyone on this thread of thinking that, it's just something I've noticed recently.
If it makes you feel better my dad still calls the local shop P**i Pats even though it’s not run by anyone from pakistan nor are the called Pat’s it’s mainly just to annoy me i suspect.
I think it's a bit too easy to be labelled a racist though. Does not liking a 'certain type' of people, regardless of skin colour or country of origin, make you racist? For example; This morning, I had to nip into town (Barnsley), very briefly. There seemed to be quite a lot of non-English groups just generally 'knocking about', not shopping, just looking a bit intimidating. I don't like them type of people. There was also a whole army of white English women wearing bobbly leggings, vests showing sunburnt shoulders, and ill fitting bras, generally slobbing about shrieking at their kids, things like (and I really heard this) "Brandon, ayt rest on yer fkin sausage roll or tha not gerrin a bun!!". I don't like them type of people. Yet I'm married to a white English woman, despite the fact a lot of white English women are just vile. I don't like Asian paedophiles, but neither do I like white English ones. I can openly say that I despise ALL paedophiles, regardless. I don't like black people who commit knife crime. I don't like white English people who commit knife crimes. I just like decent folk to be honest. I don't care what country they're from. But if despising paedos, violent criminals, flat slobs shrieking swear words at their young kids, drug users, thieves and Wednesday fans makes me a racist, then that's a label I'll be stuck with forever.
If you just remove "black" from your post, it serves as a most understandable one. Non-racist and friendless. Nice and factual. I'm here to provide comfort for you. Reach out! Can't help you on the "black friend" front, but all our ancestors walked out of somewhere in Africa, apparently. So I might qualify.
Just been reading they are making a Father Ted musical where Ted becomes the pope. I hope they get my lovely horse in somewhere!