True , there would initially be significant costs , however when the system becomes established , the people doing NS will be receiving wages & also contributing by paying NI & taxes whilst reducing some benefits what might have been payed out . I think the long term rewards would be beneficial , it would certainly encourage some to make a career out of the military whilst any training recruits received would surely be of benefit once back in civvy street. I can say that both my sons have been in the forces & one actually is in the forces now & both have benefitted from their experiences & I personally think it has done them no harm what so ever , in fact the opposite.
Then their outlook needs to change in order to break this chain. Give them hope by firstly supporting them and not take away the funding that can help them. The rest should follow into place. I know it’s not as simple as that but as a society we have to do something not simply abandon them. By the way, There are also working people out there and people from more affluent backgrounds who have little respect for others. It’s very difficult and certainly there’s no easy solution, but clearly society turning their backs on these people isn’t an option.
Well she hardly worked wonders for us did she. Was she not the PM who oversaw the demise of industries for no other reason than political vindictiveness? Yes the Thatcher Govt. Is largely responsible for many of today’s local and National problems. Remember she said there’s no such thing as society.
They were volunteers though. The money used to implement and continually support NS could be used to help provide proper jobs and same result with paying NI and taxes
I see many problems being age related, whether it be drugs, violence, terrorism. Of course it's not always the case, but the majority of people that are repeatedly in the news are in the teenage to late 20s age group. It's when young people are the most impressionable and often impressed by the wrong role models. It's the young men that fight wars, join gangs, try drugs and alcohol and get radicalised etc etc. Most grow older and wiser, I count myself in that number, but some stay on the same path. At best they never work and sponge off the country, but there are many examples of worst case scenarios.
The op was about how we change the embedded attitudes etc of these people, we know generally how and why they do what they do. A multi- pronged approach is required but we have to start by supporting them and eventually instill hope and a purpose into their lives. I believe NS not to be the answer as the benefits mentioned on here with NS can also be achieved by getting them into meaningful employment.
8 years of Tory cuts and austerity lead to increased deprivation in the provinces and the solution is a no tolerance policy (which has never worked) and national service according to a bunch of oafs that never had to do national service. Masterclass in cognitive dissonance and victim blaming.
Prisons are full of victims. No one said that national service should be a blanket thing, or some kind of punishment. More something to take up the slack. The OP is just throwing in an idea for debate. Rather than calling him and people that agree with his idea in principle "oafs" and blaming the tory party,, why not put forward your suggestions for sorting things out?
We spent nine hours in Scarborough A&E last weekend. It was like a war zone. I was talking to a policeman who told me they had 8 officers on the night shift to cover Whitby, Scarborough, Bridlington and Malton. Four of them were there in A&E! He said they were totally demoralised. As we were talking, he got a call on his radio informing him there was a burglary in progress. No-one was available to attend. For such a wealthy country we do appear to be going down the pan at an alarming rate.
A couple of interesting articles on the heroin problem in Iran, a country that executes addicts & has national service. Seems that the "get tough" policies don't seem to be working there:
My mum bless her still calls sweets “spice” I’ve told her to be careful when buying her grand kids sweets
War on drugs has been going for 40 years or more and been lost, to people taking drugs. Alcohol addiction included. You might want to think about your 'zero tolerance' argument some more..