This sums up where we are heading - bye bye British car manufacture and all other cross border buisness such as Airbus etc
Wasn't stated on the ballot paper, as you very well know. But it can't be got through parliament anyway, so academic.
Yes, it's pretty sad that these plants can be relocated fairly easily when a new model is introduced. Italy may well gain from our losses in electronics and Germany & France on engineering. It's hard to see where the new markets are going to come from with Trump starting a trade war on steel. Our steel industry may well be wiped out completely.
didnt need to be on the paper you’ve been told and made up your mind before you get there, leaving the Eu means leaving the single market etc , now vote
Brexit means Brexit? Does it? Like someone has said, the ballot paper had one simple question. Never said anything at all about leaving the single market or customs union. It had not been decided what leaving the eu would look like as the arrogant shites in government didn’t for a second believe it would actually happen. The remain campaign was woefully underdone in the presumption that folk wouldn’t believe the leave campaign’s propaganda. They did believe it though, albeit by only a small majority. Made up of larger majorities in towns like Barnsley, perhaps a protest vote but in the misguided view that it would improve things. It might. Eventually. For the south. Everyone will endure a bit of financial pain short to medium term (a point acknowledged even by the staunchest Brexiteer). The working class areas of the country, particularly places like Barnsley, Donny, Rotherham etc in the north will be cast even further adrift - with the only lifeline of eu funding no longer an option. The Barnett formula is hugely flawed but (on a basic level) it guarantees that Scotland wales and Northern Ireland have the same proportion of investment as England. However there is no Barnett formula to guarantee that anywhere north of Birmingham has proportionately equal spend as the south east commuter block. It doesn’t and has never from central government - meaning the urban regeneration in many places has been funded from eu coffers. Employment generation, business attraction, all from the same source and all lost. Leaving us cast adrift painfully. The existing larger businesses here, as someone mentioned Nissan in Sunderland, the small financial hub in Leeds, all sorts - some will stay, but many wont. The turkeys voted for Christmas, and better still are still decorating the room and buying paxo in preparation, thinking they will get presents, when actually they’ll be stuffed and roasted. How people ever bought into the ramblings from the likes of Farage and Gove is beyond me. How they thought that they had any interest in the future of communities like ours is a much bigger mystery though. Farage, as are many politicians, is completely self serving. Gaining ‘uk independence’ was more about making himself notorious than him actually wanting it. He never thought he’d achieve it. Having won the vote (having intially conceded defeat in a Pre written statement), he proceeded to admit that half of his campaign was either lies or exaggerated (the bloody nhs bus alone, had it not been falsely claimed, would have had enough effect to change the result given how close it was). He’s also confirmed he will take his EU pension - and emigrate if Brexit leaves the U.K. in a bad state. Cheers Nigel... drinks bitter though so he must be a good bloke.
Why do you think everything will stop after we leave it’s not goin to stop us buying off them , beer, cheese, wine ,cars , food, etc etc, and them buying off us , the same, you’re becoming hysterical
Im not becoming hysterical far from it. The fact is and even you must admit this when we leave the customs union and single market trade with the EU will become more difficult, of course it wont stop altogether. Britian has a significant amount of industry which is successful because it is in the EU the car plants are a perfect example. If we cant do a deal do you really think Nissan and Toyota etc will keep investing in the UK or will they switch to other European countries. What happens to the British component manufacturers who will no longer be able to export their parts to the rest of Europe. This isnt project fear - its just business fact. Of course we could retaliate and stop Europe supplying our car industry - Id love to see how that would work in practice Make no mistake Europe is better off with Britain in it, but as we are leaving its now looking after its own and we will suffer much more than the rest of Europe over it
I’d say Farnham red is the least likely member on here to ever become hysterical! Nothing will stop you are quite right. Everything will become more expensive however to keep it going. Thanks.
That’s right but nobody said anything was gonna be easy, we need to stop being bullied by the Eu and have a word. They are causing trouble on purpose, to try and get us to agree to a **** deal. We have stuff they want and vice versa, a bit more of a firm hand would be nice
I also worry that post brexit the uk will.have mo influence on decisions that they make. Like it or not our latitude and longitude mean that those decisions will still affect us that was one of the reasons we joined the eec to start with
Really there are plenty of quotes from the likes of Farage and Davis etc who have said precisely that They painted a picture of us saving £350 million pounds a year and easily doing trade deals with the rest of the world and that Europe would be desperate to do deals with us too. and never mentioned the problems we have with the regulatory framework we are intrinicly linked to The majority of the country will be worse off for a generation as a result of Brexit, unfortunately Project Fear as part of the remain campain was a really bad tactic and most leavers didnt believe it coming from Osbourne and Cameron ( and why should they?) it doesnt make large parts of it not true though
What do you think we’ll have to sell? What will we be buying with exactly? Where’s the money coming from? Time will tell. I think it will be an unmitigated disaster. But we can have a blue passport.
Says someone that lives outside both the UK and EU, so less affected by the worst of both. This is the *easy* part of Brexit. Arranging a deal is relatively straightforward. Once that is done, the real works comes in when you have to work out how the new arrangements affect every part of every organization in the UK. Many companies, particularly those that work across borders will no longer find it financially attractive to do so. Some components (Mini gear boxes are one example) cross the Channel half a dozen times during manufacture. Each time it will need to go through customs and incur tariffs in both directions, increasing costs and delays. It is significantly more likely that this will stop and the industry, taxes and jobs will go. And that doesn't even start with the effects on the service industries and farming - both are likely to be significantly hit. My own company has ~20% of UK staff working within the EU at any point. Those jobs will go to our EU operations., just in 5s or 10s rather than 100s at a time.
Ok we’ve got nothing, the worlds gonna end but you can use your blue passport to go to anywhere but fill a form in first, do you walk round screaming with your hands on your ears
But your talking about things that haven’t been decided yet , irrelevant really quoted figures for some tariffs that haven’t been decided, you put tariffs on this we’ll put tariffs on that