You could get Churchill, Ghandhi, Mandela and Abraham Lincoln in and it would still be a train wreck.
I get the same feeling pompous but just cos you’re opinion Varys to mine doesn’t make you right does it
When we entered the EU we had massive , state owned industries and services - I can't see what we have to offer other than NHS. Most of our big players are owned by overseas investors ...
Duty laundry eh, Strange because their is nothing showing in my Conversations, yet Alerts shows I have a pm from you
They’re showing now and I’ve replied. Why did you have to PM insults when you quite freely dish them them out on this message board?
What I think is hilarious is how much people think we are important to the EU and that they will be desperate to give us a good deal purely because it so happens to be the country they live in/have ties to. What a lucky coindence it was to have been born in a country which is so much greater than all the others. I can pretty much guarantee that if it was France, Germany or Spain for example who were planning on leaving and crowing on about what a great deal they would get on much better terms etc. then these same people would be saying '**** 'em, they should hurry up and leave, we don't need them anyway'. I seriously can't imagine manx for example arguing about how important France is and how they will strike out great trade deals because the EU couldn't possibly cope without them if it was them in this situation instead. Imagine that we were living in any of the other EU states looking it, I don't see what the UK has that any of the other main EU countries don't have between them.
More misguided than hilarious, sadly. What I have found a little humbling, is that despite a tiny majority voting to leave, people in other EU countries are still incredibly friendly and accepting of Brits and happy to converse and talk. Like you say, I can't imagine that, should the situation be reversed.
I don’t see any reason to be nasty or upset about it we’re still in Europe and there’s no reason to not get on, same for both sides
Im not - Id rather have a good well paid job and live in a country that has good trading links with its neighbours than be out of work watching the economy go down the pan but be able to say I told you so.
Unless people that don’t wanna leave stop sticking their oar in it will be a disaster, **** deal crap negotiations