I'm saying their credentials mean more to me as a Barnsley fan, and so far the new owners have done little to nothing since coming on board, to compensate for that. First time in 18 years I haven’t renewed my season ticket.
Great interview on the decision to let Hammill to leave how many good youngsters will his wages pay for. We are hopefully going to be in the promotion positions at the end of the season we don't only need a team for promotion We also need players to possibly improve and stay in the Championship
You've not given me anything to disagree with - I'm just asking what credentials the previous regime had?
He's not wrong though. Our owners own a champions league club, our previous owner was an accountant with no football background
Jesus - if you're professional footballer and you cannot take instruction about where to be on the pitch depending on the ball position then you must be an utter moron. Clearly the players were doing as told - under LJ it was a pressing style - by the time Hecky left it was back to some sub-Keith Hill - woe is me we don't have any money and can't compete and my players are crap sob story bull sh*t trail of cry baby excuses.
If you can't beat am join am. The players are ****, the billionaires are ****, the grounds ****, GG is ****, Barnsley fans are great but the pies are **** and the sooner all the number 10s are gone from our club the better **** **** ****. There after reading this thread I feel better for that. Sorry I nearly forgot the new manager and his staff are **** before they have even started.
Just listened to the interview, thought he was well spoken and told us what we needed to know. I don’t get what people’s issues with Ganaye are, it’s certainly an improvement on ******** Ben going on the radio every 5 seconds to get the limelight.
Yeah. For me, part of the reason Hammill wasn’t asked to stay, was that he blocks a path for a young kid to come through. I’d like to see more of Ryan Hedges this season and a few others on the wing. By blocking progress of youth, it also blocks money coming in. The more youth we progress, the more quality youth we’ll be also loaned from big teams. If we can use our money to build a core side, who have longer contracts, and then sprinkle some youth in there to progress, then it can work. Trouble is, every 3rd year, when the core side also get better offers, you have to start again. Which is what we did this season. Hopefully with the new board, we can aim to keep a few more of the core when we need to. We do need to back the board though. We’re in different waters now, where they want to be here. If they decide they are Pissed off and want to leave, we could be in trouble.
I think it's a really good interview. Far more insightful than the previous statement and impressive when you consider it's not his native language. He's very at ease with the questioning and doesn't dodge any answers. I highly recommend that people listen to it in full, if they've not done so. I have no real issues with the Hammill thing and it cleared up the mystery regarding options - essentially everything became null and void on this front in the case of relegation. I also have much more insight now into the recruitment policy, although it's thrown up a couple of inconsistencies/queries with the current situation. In theory it starts with the Head Coach identifying a prototype for a certain position, so essentially a list of desired attributes (NB: cue ecstatic noises eminating from the Hemsworth region). After that, the recruitment team go to work identifying targets to fit this, with video scouting, then real-life scouting to work down to a shortlist of 10 or so. GG then looks at feasibility of deals, wages, etc to ultimately give the HC a shortlist of 3 from which he advises an order of preference. From there, GG then tries to do a deal. So we understand the theory now, but our current situation means that our current shortlist didn't start with Stendel's prototypes, but were based on someone elses. Does that therefore mean we rip up the list and start again or press ahead with chasing 'compromised' targets based on giving Stendel a shortlist of players where he may not want any of them? What doesn't really come across is how we prioritise these positional shortlists based on immediate need, working within a finite budget and this is probably the area where we need to make big improvements to avoid the imbalances of last summer (where we overloaded on too many similar players) or the failure to address obvious needs in January, most notably a goalkeeper. Perhaps the model isn't reactive enough to deal with unforeseen issues such as last minute deal collapses, etc. However I understand the mechanics far better than I did previously, particularly the points at which the HC has an influence. Some interesting points at the end regarding communication too. He's not intending to communicate weekly if he has nothing to say, so we shouldnt expect him to be like Ben Mansford in this regard. However, there's a refreshing honesty in the responses with GG's interviews (the post match Derby one was similar) so I don't mind the trade off of quantity over quality. Given it was less than 15 minutes in total, I think there's as much, if not more, meaningful content in it than anyone could reasonably expect. It didn't touch on all the things I'd want to hear about, particularly the Knasmullner/Harsley/Moore situations but those questions weren't covered, other than a reference by Giddings to the Knas deal being a waste of time which neither of them really followed up.
I have just heard the full interview & I was very impressed , the guy comes across as honest & straight & does not dodge any questions , I genuinely do not understand what people expect from the guy but one thing for certain is that he is a smart cookie & does not deserve the personal abuse he sometimes receives .
Listened to it in full - then heard Giddings headline on Radio Sheff this morning at 8.30 - "a number of players have asked to leave" Knobs