I can imagine many who voted to leave will be hardest hit, by the same token a few at the top who voted to leave had the greatest to gain what a fcucked up situation where newspapers and a fear of someone from a different place influenced so many.
Tina, i understand from your posts that you may be a socialist? But I do wonder how such a socialist is happy to remain in Europe, actually being governed by the unelected Tory elite?
Correct, Shame it had to step in though to the extent it had to following the systemic destruction of the jobs and communities by a vindictive Tory political ideology. Thatcher and her cronies though still threw as many obstacles in the way as they could to try and delay, prevent and even divert European money away. Crazy thing is though people in these parts still champion the Tories. You couldn’t make it up could you?
And another oint we are why are people rhat wanted to return power to the mother of all democracies against parliament ratifying any deal
http://www.democraticaudit.com/2016/06/23/is-the-eu-really-run-by-unelected-bureaucrats/ Unelected Tory elite?
Did you know that in America if you go to a shop to buy a gun you have to have a background check done in you but federal law allows anyone to but a gun privately without a background check. In other words if I want a gun but know I would fail a check the law allows me to ask you to go and buy it for me and then I buy it off you. Perfectly legal in America
I understand your point Austiniho. Whatever, I sincerely believe we are better in the EU than out, I really do. In the EU, more people benefit than don't. In the scenario we have now, I see the few not the many benefiting, with catastrophic consequences for communities such as ours!. At least EU laws controlled the worst excesses of Tory ideological policies.
Nah, I'm sure the Tories will spend loads of the money they'll save on an area they've historically done loads for. As much as I try to be proud of my home town, seeing the "68%" leave figure this time two years ago forever took away part of that pride. Turkeys voting for Christmas.
If your’re on about what the Tories did to this area and how crazy it is that people from around here still champion them, it’s much worse than stupidity.
Yep. The US gun laws are seriously f****d up ST. It's absolutely breathtaking to see their lack of will to tackle the problem. I've argued with staunch gun rights advocates but it's pointless. They'd rather see their fellow citizens die in the streets in their hundreds every day than even contemplate giving up their guns. The irony is that all of them wear the Stars and Stripes on their sleeves but are scared stupid of their own government.
Where did that £350 million go? https://goo.gl/images/ZxGe7t I know last week May said we were giving a "Brexit Dividend" to the NHS. She then explained our taxes would have to go up to pay for it! LOL. Seriously if anyone thinks this country is in safe hands with May, Gove, Boris & the DUP you need to get your head examined.
Sorry, not directly elected Tory elite... “It is true that the Commission President and the individual Commissioners are not directly elected by the peoples of Europe. So, in that sense, we cannot “throw the scoundrels out”. It is also true that under the provisions of the EU treaty, the Commission has the sole right to propose EU legislation, which, if passed, is then binding on all the EU member states and the citizens of these member states.” My point being, that if those wonderful not directed elite wanted to pass a law that we all had to wear purple on a Wednesday, and for a laugh that was backed up by a majority vote... not including any of the indirectly elected Tory elite... it would be purple Wednesday for us! We are not liked in Europe. I’m not saying we should be liked, as we act like idiots when abroad... and at home. However if you dislike someone and have power over their laws, money, etc... are you going to give a crap about them getting the best slice of the cake?