What the chuff do you think will happen to the workers once the tory backstuds have us all to themselves?
I agree, not all EU decisions affecting the UK can be passed against its wishes. Some important issues can only be decided if every country voting agrees.These areas include foreign affairs, taxation, justice and the EU budget. If the UK is adamantly opposed to a law requiring unanimous approval, it's unlikely to make it as far as a vote. But in other areas, majorities are enough. Under the new system for majority voting, a law has to pass two hurdles. First, 16 out of 28 member states have to vote for it. In special cases, it's 21 out of 28. The UK naturally counts for only 1/28th from this point of view. But there is a second condition: population matters. Member states representing 65% of all the people in the EU have to vote for a law before it passes. The ability of the UK to combine with a couple of other big countries to block a law it doesn't like is made more difficult by a rider to this rule. You can get to 36% against a proposed law from just three countries, but they won't be able to block it unless joined by at least one more. In other words, if fewer than four countries oppose or abstain on a law in the Council, it passes.
I agree, not all EU decisions affecting the UK can be passed against its wishes. Some important issues can only be decided if every country voting agrees.These areas include foreign affairs, taxation, justice and the EU budget. If the UK is adamantly opposed to a law requiring unanimous approval, it's unlikely to make it as far as a vote. But in other areas, majorities are enough. Under the new system for majority voting, a law has to pass two hurdles. First, 16 out of 28 member states have to vote for it. In special cases, it's 21 out of 28. The UK naturally counts for only 1/28th from this point of view. But there is a second condition: population matters. Member states representing 65% of all the people in the EU have to vote for a law before it passes. The ability of the UK to combine with a couple of other big countries to block a law it doesn't like is made more difficult by a rider to this rule. You can get to 36% against a proposed law from just three countries, but they won't be able to block it unless joined by at least one more. In other words, if fewer than four countries oppose or abstain on a law in the Council, it passes.
Not directly elected in much the same way that Theresa may wasn't directly elected as our prime minister.
I had as much say in that decision as I did in the decision to appoint the 'European bureaucrats' as they are often referred
Brexiteer - definition - someone who wins a raffle then brags about it for 2 years without actually knowing what the prize is.
Yes you did. There was a general election last year. A party elects a leader and the country elects a government. That's how democracy works.
Not everywhere. America has separate national votes for President and government (congress). In the UK, it doesnt matter who the party elect as leader, the only people that can directly vote for them live in their constituency.
Well we’ll agree to disagree. Just because you didn’t get your way, doesn’t mean you didn’t have a voice.
Remainer “ definition” someone who loses a raffle then tells the winner that their prize is ****, they shouldn’t have entered the raffle, you should give me the prize, and await in hope that in the future they may be able to say “I told you so”
It's good to see the Brexiters have been able to outline all the benefits the Leave result has brought over the last two years, rather than just reiterating the fact that Leave won and if the remaoners don't like it they should "gerrout".
Don’t make me laugh! That’s a typical remoaners response. Sorry to disappoint but many of us wanted Brexit for other reasons: the EU dictating how we must spend money on outrageous and pithy projects instead of utilising it on the NHS etc. Trade embargoes and restrictions dictatored to us - ask a few fishermen and see what they think. The main point is that the people decided. If people are not happy with the outcome - tough! Anything less undermines the so called democracy will ‘all’ subscribe to.