I've never seen that website before, but the hard truth is you cant expect to be successful online these days with a website that looks like it hasn't changed since 1995.
Democracy, from the Greek "Demos" meaning all the people in a state, and "kratos" meaning power or rule. So technically the UK has never had proper democracy as that would involve a referendum on every single government decision. People also tend to be too reactionary and too quick to change opinion. Also its too slow and cumbersome. The UK actually has a representative democracy where we elect representatives (MPs or MEPs) to do what in their "expert" opinion is in the best interest of their constituents. Note this is not the same as what the majority think they want but could often match. Think about the Heathrow expansion. Should the local MPs vote with the constituents who complain about noise and pollution against the expansion or for in support of those who will find work there?
I think the opening poster has been put on a spot of gardening leave TM. As I said at the start, the only reason he started the thread was to kick off a row.
I think that’s the general point, you never explained. I’ve been working all weekend anyhow, I don’t think I’ve ever watched as much sport, gotta love the queens shilling!
Agreed. I've had my two pennorth but no one on either side of the debate is going to change their mind at this point in time so keeping debating brexit is pointless. Better off getting back to the footy. There's a tournament going on somewhere I believe.
The simple truth is we pay more into the Eu than we get out, we have a trade deficit with the EU,our population is rising every year due to free movement, more and more EU criminals are coming here and our benefits bill is higher because of EU claimants.All this is fact.
Barnsley would have been dead and buried without EU subsidies. We as Barnsley folk need to be truly thankful for that. So we actually did rather well out of it. None of the re-generation money would have been forthcoming from any tory government.
Larger numbers come to this country from outside of EU - that has nothing to do with free movement. That is also a fact
We pay in more than we get back in monetary terms, but how much is saved to business and government costs each year by the central agencies (EMA, EUratom, etc) and llack of tariffs? Our population is rising every year due to migration, 200k of which is non-EU and can be controlled at any time. Our government fails to do so. We absolutely have the right to not pay benefits to EU migrants and can deport after 3 months if they don't have a job. Criminals can also be deported. Only our government never applied that part of the citizens charter and dont actually record who comes in. So, is the problem the EU or the UK government? Btw Germany has more total immigrants and more each year than the UK without most of the problems.
I think Germany are beginning to realise what a mistake it was to open the gates to unlimited migrants, why do the courts stop the Government deporting people who are criminals has that nothing to do with EU law.Why do we allow EU migrants to bring their parents and grandparents with them.