My son lives in Australia but I would not be allowed to live in Oz off the back of that, its the EU system that is wrong.
No it's wrong in your opinion which doesn't make it wrong. I know lots of people who are now living in aus as citizens and some of them hardly had much going for them: but they got in.
From As an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or and eligible New Zealand citizen, you may be able to sponsor your family to live in Australia. So, if your son is now an Australian citizen or permanent resident, then yes, you can move to Australia on the back of that.
About 5 miles inland from Tavronitis where the first battle of crete raged. Chania prefecture. And just by coincidence they have 2 sets of neighbours nearby(ish) who also come from barnsley.
No but we should choose who to let in and if we get too many we call a halt.I am in favour of free trade with the EU but it brings with it too many provisions.
CONCLUSION: WE ARE FECKED. Thanks Brexiteers. You'll be dealt with like the Tolpuddle Martyrs. We'll export you all to Australia & we can get our country back.
But we don’t do that with non EU migrants so why would you ever think that Brexit would mean that we suddenly would with EU ones? That thinking is seriously flawed.
In other words....too many immigrants but free trade is good......I wish I could emigrate like my son but they won't let me. Hypocrisy at its finest.
What, like not letting Doctors in or nurses, like the government have recently been doing? We had the opportunity to apply a temporary brake on migration after the eastern countries joined, but the governments didn't take it up. We still have the right to deport anyone not working after 3 months or with a criminal record, but haven't. It seems that the problems you have with FoM are caused entirely by our own government, yet these are the exact same people you suddenly want to develop competence and fix it for you.
Like being able to support yourself after 3 months, having health insurance or not being a criminal? Like we could now, but haven't.
Your son has that a bad thing or just someone wanting to better themselves and their opportunities by moving to a strange country ? I think the bit you have highlighted shows your real problem and your hypocrisy .
We are a country of immigrants, built on immigration. Celts, Roman, Vikings, Anglo-Saxon, Empire, Commonwealth and now EU. You are most likely the descendant of an immigrant yourself. I am Irish on at least one grandparents side, and my wife has French on her mothers side. Our population is aging, birth rates among "natives" are falling and medical advances mean people are living longer. Same as Japan. Without immigration, there are not enough young people to go around, which means higher taxes and working longer hours to support the retired population. Probably both. We need immigration. If you work out the figures, given the baby boomers retiring in the next few years, we need roughly 300,000 new workers each year earning at least the average wage to cover the extra pension costs. This is for at least the next decade.
In fairness ive Read many of his posts and if I was related to him I'd be trying to put as much distance as possible between us too.
I actually know his son and he didn't really move to Australia. In fact here's a selfie he sent me a few months ago