It may not be impartial as you say being impartial as ever .. .. but the facts of the case outside the realms of the sun daily mail and Tommy Robinson fans is out there online.
don't forget jews, muslims, hindu's, atheists, agnostics and jedi's, all slaughtered irrespective of colour,creed or sexuality
I've acknowledged that there were injustices on all sides. Think this has sadly been the case since time immemorial in all wars/battles. No idea what the purpose of your final sentence is all about, think that belongs to another thread.
It was mentioned early in the thread that the story has been all over social media recently and national papers toryboy
Why does Robinson's name keep getting dragged up in this thread, its got absolutely nothing to do with him & those who support him!.
The vast majority of people who support our troops do not support Robinson. And no I don't use Twitter precisely because of **** like this. Some people may also make some ridiculous correlation between Brexit and Robinson just because some idiot has used a hashtag. It doesn't take a genius to work out there is no link.
I don't know the real details of what happened, but it says the bloke (who must have been in his early 30s at the time), shot and killed an Ira 'suspect'. Can anybody say what the so called suspect was doing when he was shot, was it in self defence or was he unarmed etc. Remember Thatcher's Tory govt shoot to kill policy and our soldiers shooting and killing those Ira 'suspects' in Gibraltar in about '87. Didn't it turn out that they were there with high explosives in the boots of their cars, and were obviously aiming to kill and injure hundreds of innocent people. So who really is in the wrong here eh in these situations, is there actually a right and a wrong ?.
Don't be fooled by the phrase shoot to kill, there were rules that soldiers had to follow. Unlike the cowardly IRA terrorists we had to abide by something called rules of engagement or yellow card. Strict rules dictating when we could engage and the specific circumstances when engagement was permitted.
Hey Im not sticking up for them Mario, they are utter scum for what they have done over the years with their bombing campaigns. I only highlight the word 'suspect' because people still claim they were innocent because although they had bombs in their posession, they hadn't actually committed their atrocities, yet!. There aren't many things that make me proud these days but our armed forces, who are often out there fighting in battles that have nothing to do with them, and its not by choice either.. they have my total respect. The Poppy symbolises all this and another thing that angers me is ignorant people talking on their phones at the time of Armistice day, and the public minutes silence.
The British army are no angels... Support them blindly if you want .. but the facts they aren't are out there.. They committed war crimes in Ireland there's no excuse for some of them. And their officers and politicians who get off Scot free.
Easy to say...but one fact is out there...whatever you rather childishly say about blind support may not know this but only one side had a 100% shoot to kill policy, and that was the IRA....the jails were full of hundreds of IRA men captured by British forces, but as far as I am aware no British soldier ever captured by the IRA was released unharmed, every single one was murdered after capture.....note that point .....murdered after capture.
"Toryboy"...... How much more of a fool do you need to make yourself look? Yet more puerile and juvenile dribble from our resident extremist. You are doing our party a massive dis-service with this idiocy and i will be thanking you when the british public vote the tories in yet again. Your ignorance is staggering.
I think I got called "right wing" for saying that I agreed with something or other Boris Johnson had said, and suggesting that cross-party policy groups may be a good idea for education and health care. I am a member of the Labour Party, before you ask!
Nobody thinks they are angels but they had to follow strict rules which they did 99% of the time. Do you understand that? Unlike the IRA cowards they followed rules. Try to imagine fighting an enemy who followed no rules whatsoever. So yes if I have to choose a side I pick the British Army every single time. You can align yourself with republican terrorists all you want.