Marley is a possible link. So could be just a case of him recommending us to whatever player it is.....
Sounds as though Chansiri is cutting back on his spending. Jordan Rhodes to Norwich on loan, Loovens has joined Sunderland and Jack Hunt has now been sold to Bristol City. As yet no incomings. Should be interesting listening to Mawk the Pitsmoor Owl and Co on Radio Sheffield.
I'm guessing he meant from previous knowledge, unless they wipe a footballer's memory of past team mates when they leave, Men In Black style...
Why would Watkins recommend players for us to sign? is he our head scout as well as a footballer for Bristol.
Although Andy Giddings says the rumours of us bringing in Kenneth Dougall appear to have some truth to them, the ones of us signing anyone from Norwich don't. I've no idea just how accurate the bloke is.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Giddings tends to be fairly spot on and is close to the club. As is Doug from Chronicle. They’re usually the ones interviewing the players and GG. Decent local journos. Alan Nixon from the sun. The paper he writes for and his general attitude give you a good indication of what he is about. Tends to be an agents mouthpiece and general shitehawk from what I’ve seen.
We enquire about a player. Said player knows Marley from being with him whilst at Norwich. Player contacts Marley for his knowledge. It happens