I concur with those who have said The Reev was the best poster on the BBS. Harshly banned and sadly missed (in my opinion).
Windy. I remember a really long running debate with him taking on thousands on whether "might was right". Westie. A complete ****** who moved to Norway to bum rams.
I liked those that didn't take it too seriously and if anything were a bit daft like the Full Ponty, Thereev, Adam Hinchcliffe. There are too many holier than thou on here these days who are very quick to castigate people for anything from spelling, grammar or repeating a post from earlier in the day so that nowadays people start by saying "Sorry if posted before".
Roundsman was always good, and for a chuckle, Adam Hinchcliffe. I suspect I know who created him, but could be wrong.
I don’t have favourites. But I’ve met the majority of BBS posters who I like. I could name loads who’ve left who I’d like to see return, but in terms of recent departures, Redstar, Ponty72 and Red Rain are missed by me. I didn’t agree with them all, all of the time, but they were all intelligent, easy to read etc, and stirred debate. @bossman should be banned.
It’s the one thing that’s pretty much disappeared, the humour and stupidity. George Spicer’s recent stint reminded me of how the bbs used to be.
Linesmen on wheels, to keep up with play. I’m pretty sure these will become an actual thing soon enough.
George is on a three month trek throughout mainland Europe whilst writing a book on olive pressing. I’m sure he’ll be back.
For personal reasons, I’ll always respect whitey and owe him big time. Also enjoyed all his pre-club affiliation postings and podcasts and think he does an excellent job at the club. Jimmy cricket is my hero. I think about that bloke that ends all his posts with “sithi” quite a lot Got a lot of time for Mariokempes, John peachy, Titusmagee, gally, jamdrop, Marlon of the people that still post off the top of my head as I’ve had enjoyable chats with each. Worst poster award in the last 2 years goes to Glenn tremble. Felt like that greasy comb over was rubbing up against me in all his slimy posts.
He’s stopped doing rams now. His current preference is having his tiny mester slapped with a roll mop herring