Got my family’ season tickets on the finance option from zebra. For 2 different unforeseen reasons, the last being my youngest buying something off iTunes on an account I’d previously blocked, my direct debit has failed. Zebra has charged me £25 each time with no grace for the failure of the dd. Does this sound about right because I remember the banks being reamed out for extortionate charges like these. It’s getting as where I wish I hadn’t have ******* bothered.
Zebra Finance has 14 day cooling off. I suspect this was applied for before then.
Too late, this is my 3rd month. I just find the £25 a time really expensive as what does that cover. It can’t be the admin as every letter they send to my house is duplicated. I’ve had 2 copies of each of their last 3 letters sent at the same time. Left a very bad taste in the mouth to be honest.
When you say your direct debit has failed, do you mean you didn't have the funds in your account when it became due? If that's the case then it will be in your T&Cs about missed payment charges. You could phone them, but I doubt they would be interested as it's up to us to have the funds in place when it's payment time. At a guess, zebra finance won't be the best priced lender, and heavy charges will be part of how their money is made. It's all about risk.
Standard fee. Most lenders will charge something like £25 if you don't make payment. As a borrower it's your responsibility to ensure you can make payment
You should have just got a new credit card with an offer of 0% on purchases for the first 12/18/24 months. It would then just be a case of making sure you cover at least the minimum payment each month and you could have done that without setting up a direct debit..
You're same as me mate. Debt free wannabee and always shifting balances about It's not available to everyone though. I had a spell towards end of last recession when I ruined my credit score and couldn't get anything. It's taken some years to get onto the best deals again.