Ok. Ryhilltyke. I can’t be arsed arguing on an Internet forum with you. You clearly know the ins and outs of the contractual situation and AH’s personal circumstances. Have a nice evening.
Not sure where I said that. Simply that he’s a club legend because of those goals. I think his desire, commitment, love for the club and the fact he ripped league 1 apart the last time he was in it should be enough for him to get a contract here. And plus, he wasn’t the worst player we had last season. Probably not even in the top 10 worst performing players.
Tbh I'm not sure if he has still got it even for league one but would break me heart to see him play or score against us.
To say he wasn't great last season is fair enough. None of them were. To insult his efforts in the way you have is disrespectful and pretty pathetic especially when he clearly loves the club.
Yes you did. You said he was good 3 years ago. And that should get him a contract. Jesus it’s like you’re all diciples and he’s gotttou in this weird cult.. should replace that l with a n.
I love the club. They’re not going to pay me 8k a week for the privilege. Christ what’s up with you lot.
I really think you should be asking that question of yourself rather than probably 95% of the folk posting on here. Regardless of his effectiveness Hammill gave his all for the club. Most people can see that.
I go to Oakwell to be entertained and no-one has entertained me more over the last 3 years than AH - including last season.
Nope. Reread my post because I never said his goals at Wembley we’re enough for him to get a contract. It’s funny how you’re the only one with these views on Adam though. Who’d have thought we’d just won 4-0 today jeeeeez
When did he entertain you last season? Or perhaps the season before either. Or is it blind love for the 2 Wembley goals
I want to see skilful players taking on the opposition which means they won’t always succeed - I get that you don’t like or want him but you can’t tell me not to want him at BFC.
Today’s result I would’ve thought would put you in a better mood instead of just wanting to argue with everyone. It’s going to be great when he does come back, whether in a player role or a coach role and everybody is “spunking” (how old are you?) over him being back.