Just listening to much knashing of teeth on radio deedar Seems that Chansiri gambled on getting into the premiership in two years and rolled snakes eyes rather than a double six. Makes me glad for one that our new owners are taking the ‘steady as she goes’ approach.
Sammy Snake's nine hundred grand a year must be weighing heavily upon them. I hope they gave him a really long contract. Do the fans still sing his name, I wonder?
Oh they gambled alright. They recruited heavily by buying top players who were ready-made, experienced, but with only a couple of years left in their prime. It was all about promotion. They had a great opportunity against an ordinary Hull side who weren't even well backed by their own fans at Wembley, then had another golden opportunity in what I think was the worst play-offs for some years. They blew it against Huddersfield and now have a crippling wage bill, ageing players and others that probably don't fancy being there all that much.
and bear in mind Chansiri hasn't gambled his own money, he has gambled with the high ticket, shirt and fans money, plus the clubs own worth. If things go sour it won't be him that suffers.
have to agree TBH. I hoped for a couple more signings, but also want us safe and sound....... even if it was to mean a few seasons in League One.
Whilst it is slightly amusing to see a rival club's fans whinge because they're not where they ought to be etc. etc.... i still wouldn't want to see them go under. It could happen to any club including ours if passed into the wrong hands and the fans have no say whatsoever. FIFA and the FA need to grow a pair and bring in some meaningful rules that prevent teams gambling with their futures like this.
Nor me. Both the deedars, Cardiff, Birmingham and Millwall can go bust as far as I am concerned. It'd be a service to football. #teamchansiri
I saw Alan Biggs (I hope that’s his name) tweet congratulating them for getting past the embargo the other day. Why would that be a congratulations?!
https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5195/7222233912_af6ed59acf_b.jpg It would not bother me if Swillsboro ended up in this state
Pulled this post off of owlstalk , about sums up where they are.... Jos in or out.. what’s going on with the formations.. embargoes.. wages.. iFollow.. price of going.. memberships.. What a f*cking mess. Right now this football club is absolutely garbage and the experience of supporting it is trash. The football is crap. We have no identity. We’ve got a manager with all the personality of a pile of socks who doesn’t know what he’s doing week to week. We are sleep walking to absolute disaster. The players look confused and dejected. A promising bunch of young players are being thrown in at the deep end left to sink or swim in what’s going to quickly turn into incredibly toxic circumstances. The mood around the place stinks. The Chairman doesn’t know what he’s doing, dismisses fans concerns at every opportunity and is quite happy to play divide and conquer with the fanbase, while shrugging off genuine supporter concerns with vague tales of abuse or threats. We’ve p*ssed money up the wall on dross, continue to watch talent either being wasted on the field or nowhere near it for whatever reason. Scattergun recruitment, no strategy, a team with no heart or spine or identity. No plan. No clue. And don’t let this weeks news that we are out of an embargo fool you - the club is f*cked every which way off the field. This is a short term reprieve that maybe - MAYBE - allows us offer a new contract or bring in a kid on loan. But at least we’ve still got the fans. For now. Somehow. After £90 memberships (backtracked on), cutting off Radio Sheffield, £99 replica shirts, up to £49 a chuck to watch this failing football club shamble on week in week out for a dwindling, near on non-existent walk up supporter base. Hey.. at least we got a day out at Wembley. And if as we sit now in 2018 with the state the club is in, and you still think that day out was something to cheer or be grateful for, you’re a f*cking loser. Never felt more more disconnected from this club. It’s never had less of an identity or less to feel proud about. With that level of feeling around the club ( the post above recieved 124 likes and counting) I'd be shocked if they stopped up .
I like most Barnsley supporters love it when either Sheffield club is struggling on the playing side of things but I've got genuine sympathy for the supporters when a club is in serious trouble most of their supporters are no different to any other clubs to see any club fold is heartbreaking