Yeah just looked can buy uk pass for £10. Bit crap that we have to pay tenner while in USA it’s just $7. I’ll probably buy uk though to see if I can watch it in better quality. The free vpn reduces my connection by about 25mb and HD is a bit jumpy
Does that really work? Not questioning your knowledge but would you get a decent picture on your tv screen?
Yes, I watch the full match highlights back every game. Just log in to the website, go to the match centre (which is same as if watching live) click on the little video icon top left, plug HDMI cable from laptop into HD TV... watch. It really is that simple, been doing it for years. Once or twice its got a bit laggy, but if your internet speed is good and laptop has a decent processor, you shouldn't have a problem
Will the full match be on ifollow tomorrow for those who aren’t getting the video stream but have the £45 subscription.
Aye that’s true the full audio is there but what I was wondering was would there be a full match replay uploaded to watch the day after for those who didn’t see it live?
It was an article on the BBC Sport app about away matches being live streamed via ifollow for first time...
I will try to get the Ifollow pass , so far its only allowing me audio. last year I got on the video by putting down as in Holland... for some reason I do not get to that selection page this time around.