This song doesn't translate as you suggest but it's easy to sing in German. Here's a couple of links:- Here are the lyrics in German:- Oh, wie ist das schön Oh, wie ist das schön So was hat man lange nicht gesehen So schön, so schön! The lyrics phonetically:- Oh, vee ist das shern Oh, vee ist das shern So vas hat man langer nished gesayn So schern, so shern The translation:- Oh, that's so beautiful Oh, that's so beautiful We've seen nothing like this for ages So beautiful, so beautiful
"We lieben Daniel, we do...…. oh Daniel we lieben you." "He's von of unser own" Not really appropriate but never mind.
er sind eine unsere eigener He is one of our own (according to Google Translate - it probably offends proper German speakers in many ways!)
Whatever you do, don't use Google translate or similar. All the translations so far sound absolutely terrible