That's genius. But unfortunately it went to the great aquarium in the sky (ie down the toilet) last night, so I'm stuck with the previous carrot idea.
Tell her it wanted to move down south for family reasons, but not to worry as you've identified potential replacements. If us adults can buy into that, a 7 year old surely will.
I have only agreed that Cerys can have one when she is 10 and old enough to walk it herself. This seemed like a good idea at the time but she is literally counting the days down 739 as of today).
If you're lucky, she'll have forgotten about it by then. Or you can stall her, by telling her she can have a Babycham when she's 14.
Get one of them robo fish. Only trouble is the batteries it runs on cost more than sodding fish food!
Little chance of that I fear every morning she runs into my bedroom and shouts the number of days left. We had to go to Crufts this year where she veered between mad excitement and doing big sad eyes. My mate breeds Dalmatians and we have to visit at least twice a week.
That looks good. I've got all the ingredients in, except for....... right, I'm just off for a scrabble around in the bog.
Have you considered just telling her it's a goldfish that doesn't live forever and that it's died naturally? No need to tell her about the slightly awkward nature of its death but at 7 I'd say she's old enough to learn about death itself and will already know that goldfish don't live forever. When I was younger we had birds die, goldfish die, dogs die etc and I've turned out relatively OK. I hardly ever torture animals these days, only on Tuesdays really.
She's only had it since Christmas! She read a book which said they can live for up to 15 years, so I she's likely to start asking awkward questions and not stop until she gets to the bottom of things (she's like her mother!). Had the other one not met an unfortunate end I would probably have just come clean, but I'd rather avoid the anguish if I possibly can!
If it's only 8 months old then I'd say you'd be able to buy a replacement that isn't a million miles off its size. It might be a more expensive option but you could buy a bigger tank and if she mentions the fish looking smaller explain that it's just because its a bigger tank so it will naturally look smaller in it. The fact its a different tank could also help disguise that it looks slightly different anyway
Been thinking ours is going to stop swimming for years but it keeps on going. Waitimg until the food is empty befpre we buy a refill though (just in case!)
I might just go the whole hog and dig a pond next to our parking space outside. Which will then freeze in the winter........
No time like the present. You do realise that you’ll turn up at your mates, puppies everywhere and one will chose her and then your ******.