The Brexit politicians will be loving this. However, politics aside, dredging the seabed is catastrophic for conservation. The French are claiming it’s too early to harvest these Scallops, and it’s not very sustainable to take them now. Can see this issue escalating
Yes due to sustainability, not saying British boat crews are doing any wrong at least legally, but it is questionable at least. Are they harvesting these Scallops too early and in a sustainable way? Dredging fecks the seabed up as well.
******** English fishermen no doubt emboldened by the spirit of Brexit. Oh well, we’ll all be too poor to afford scallops soon anyway - if there are any left.
Its **** all to do with Brexit. Its not a new thing. Been going on years. Its a special and highly expensive type of scallop they fish for. There is a 'gentlemans' agreement that during the close season that the larger boats do not enter the restricted fishing zones but smaller vessels can still fish it. Now the number of smaller vessells has steadily increased to the point there is in the veiwpoint of the french a saturation hence the recent kicking off
Dickheads and Brexit in the same sentence? It looks like the summit of the moral high ground has been elevated further.
Lots of ****** spouted about fishing rights adjacent to the Brexit debate. When you look at the value of the fishing industry in relation to overall UK GDP it's pretty insignificant. But it's a typical "Jonny Foreigner" issue for the brexit loons to bandy words about. I always wonder how the fish know whose waters they are swimming in.