7000 plod on duty over the weekend. Bill footed by the taxpayer. Mental detector archways en route to search for knives. Police assaulted. Numerous arrests,sexual assaults and acts of criminal damage. Shops and houses boarded up along the route in a vain attempt to stop them being used as toilets. Time to call it a day?
We went on Sunday and had a lovely time. Like anywhere else if you look for trouble you will find it.
Could be talking same about certain sporting venues, Music festivals and political rallies here. Shall we just not bother and let the minority spoil it?
If any football club had as much violence as there is at Notting Hill they would be forced to play behind closed doors and wouldn't be given a safety certificate to have members of the public there. A football club would also be expected to pay for the police costs within the event space. Notting Hill (organised by a private company) has a clearly defined event space yet police costs inside it are paid for by the public. 23 stabbings in 3 events 5 acid attacks at the last event 38 offensive weapons sized at this event 1128 arrests in 3 events 68 police officers assaulted in 2 events 8 sexual assaults this year. As I said, if that was a football match the public wouldn't be allowed anywhere near it on safety grounds but because its in London on a street it can go ahead with the booze flowing
This. What you’ve failed to mention is the crime stats are cooked. It doesn’t include the ***** that occurs outside the ‘footprint’ of the carnival.. down the side streets off the main carnival route that kind of thing.