I said what I got told mouth! Same quote to others that replied to my post! Should I not believe my mate when he tells it? Should I just give him some grief and call him a lying ba3tard?
Well your mate clearly is a lying ******* because he's lied to you so yeah if I were you I'd call him one because he's made you look daft with his attention seeking lies. Not your fault but your mate is a dick.
So if you got told sumat off ya mate ya would instantly call them a lying ba3tard?? Obv got no mates ya Bell
Well I would if they ever told me anything again. Are you seriously defending your mate who has made up stories of people being stabbed in order to get attention? Fair enough if you are, that's your choice. Personally I think he's a lying *******
Well obv next time I will question him before spreading it! But if he said he saw what he saw why should I doubt him on that?
I didn't say (or rather I didn't mean) that you should have. I did say you hadn't done anything wrong and it was him who's a **** but I would be telling him he's a lying ******* now and not believing a word he says in future. I don't think anyone was criticising you to be fair, it was all rightly aimed at him
I'm not blaming you for believing him but if it was me I'd be very angry with any mate of mine who straight up lied to me about people being stabbed just to get a bit of attention. It's not like you can mis-see that, he knew full well he was full of sh*t when he told you. Not only does he think you're worth lying to but his lie could have caused fear amongst people and wasted police time if they saw your post and thought someone was still out there attacking people.
You've not done anything wrong lad don't think anyone is suggesting you have. Think you should be having a word with your mate though and asking him why he said it?
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/72196...woman-appears-court-knife-attack-city-centre/ Her identity has been released and she's back in court next month.