Only way to cut knife crime is for a mandatory 5 year prison sentence for carrying a knife in public. The penalty for walking around with a knife is currently too lenient and has made them socially acceptable amongst certain groups. And once carrying one is accepted it makes using one so so easy when the red mist descends. Sadly knives in the UK are no different To guns in the US. One by allowing them, the other by not punishing them which amounts to the same thing
I agree with this. The average sentence has increased in recent times but from about 2 months to 7. Many then claim the custodial sentence doesnt work due to repeat offenders. However i agree that a longer sentence should be a deterrent and may be better than a soft short few month. No-one can convince me the reduction of police officers and resources hasn't been a factor in the increasing crime levels. If you have a closer look there have been lots of knife crimes committed in Sheffield alone this past week. I have read about 4 or 5 i think. However how would you suggest we deal with the extra prison places being needed?
People often say that imprisoning more criminals would cost a fortune but in reality would it? I am certainly not an expert on the finances but surely we have to look at the huge savings of not having criminals on the streets. Less police would be needed because less criminals would be on the streets Less criminals = less crime which means the high costs of investigating crime are lower/less frequent. Les crimes = less money paid out in compensation to victims. Lower costs to the NHS and to the fire brigade. And they're just the savings to 'the establishment', there's also the lower insurance payments for the public and the biggest saving? People's happiness and safety. Plus we could always stop giving so many luxuries to criminals which woukd save an absolute fortune
^ This. ^ Without wishing to rant, I believe she (May) made the problem far herself worse when she was home secretary. Also, the woman literally bought herself into power, despite their being "no magic money tree". It makes me so angry. She should just get out of politics now. She is in it for herself, and herself alone. I believe her actions prove this. * I don't buy into what some people say that all politicians are in it for themselves (though I suspect many are) ** I'm also not excusing the scum who are stabbing people. *** I'm angry so my post might not make much sense, but the general feeling is right.
True, but you and I don't work out maths exclusively using Excel as many people in all organisations all of kinds seem to do. You've not forgotten the human element. Another thing that pisses me off about modern life. </rant>
Im not talking particularly about costs, but more so where would the extra cells be placed. Would you want a prison in your neighbourhood
I think the use of the birch, as it was up to the 1930s would be a deterrent for many. I recall listening to on the radio to the last man who was birched being asked how it was. He replied that he only received two strokes, but it was so painful, that he would never consider committing another crime.
When I was a kid I always had a knife on me, so did everybody else I knew, it didn't make us want to go around stabbing each other
Give over, don’t like her but blaming her for this? Look at it this way when I was a teenager, I often had a penknife in my pocket but I never felt the need to stick it in some fkr! Some of the younger end in society is seriously screwed up
social media i m h o
I left that cinema at about half seven on Friday night. I spend half my life at Centertainment. It feels relaxed and really safe. It's terrible. God knows how you fix it.
Re open some of the mines. Lower them down shaft and just supply with food and water. Those that survive will not repeat the offence I can assure you
if you in argument with someone , imagine loads people messaging you saying you should sort it out, its now 24/7 you never have time to sit down and cool off, scary stuff
I'm not trying to say that she is solely responsible, and if it came across like that, my apologies. Some of the blame has to go her way though. Along with, perhaps parenting, and of course the actual people committing the crime.
Stupid question but.... Supertyke suggests a 5 year sentence for any caught carrying a knife which made me think. I am a keen cook. A few years ago I took a large knife (12 inch Victorinox knife) to a specialist shop in Sheffield to be reground as the blade is hardened and unlike my other kitchen knives you cannot sharpen it with only with a aharpening stone. This meant I was walking around Sheffield with something capable of inflicting severe injury and death. How is one supposed to carry something like that in public for a legitimate reason if the law states otherwise? OK when you have just bought one because you can keep it in its sealed packaging and show a receipt, but how do you prove you have a legitimate reason in the example above if found to be carrying one on the way to the shop?
Not really. The proposed (by Supertyke) law would penalise someone carrying a concealed 'weapon'. I am 64, articulate, and white. A young black male (could be a chef ) in parts of London for example in the same situation who may be subject to 'stop and search' could be 'screwed' in the same situation given the levels of knife crime and the police attitude towards gang violence predominantly (albeit not exclusively) amongst young black men. It is a difficult one. Surely possession with intent must be proven rather mere possession otherwise it is assumed guilty for a crime that ha not beencommitted.