These lovely personts simply don't give a flying f**k about the north.
Though its impossible to know until its actually experienced, I feel a Corbyn govt (which will never happen as the maths don't come close to remotely working) on the back of Brexit would be the most toxic combination possible. Attacking business and wealth creators at the time of Brexit would be highly likely to push larger companies out of the door and only hurting the working classes more. If we had a state of minimal free trade, increasing unemployment, rising wages for public sector, reduced tax take from businesses leaving or paring back numbers and subsequently a boom to inflation that finally got interest rates moving upward... that could be a perfect storm I'm unsure we've faced in my lifetime. Only the ERM period would be a close comparator.
Oh give it a rest Scoff, I get it, you think Corbyn sh1ts in plastic bags and mother Russia it uncorruptable. Jeez it was a joke pointing out what a liability she is,
Sorry it was 3.5 so hardly going to sort out the economy and even less of an impact that people think it was
Historically they always have borrowed more - economy was fine under Labour until world wide banking collapse. They are only government to deliver three surplus budgets. Turning your statement around - maybe Labour wouldn't have to spend if They didn't have to follow cuts. Police force , military all need spending on - if They have money to lower top rate tax and corporation tax they can spend on police force
Ah! The racist card ...again!! What an absolute arrogant pillock you are. What has the fact I live abroad got to do with anything on this thread? As for calling me racist in so many words. . Please provide evidence that I "hate migrants". I don't, although I am aware, living outside the cosy confines of the UK, of the problems that a mass influx of migrants without any means of self support is causing Italy already under strain from recent natural disasters. Since you cannot seem to differentiate between, those applying to move to a country with means to support themselves and the local economy, pay taxes and those who illegally enter a country en mass without identification, often no paperwork,any means of support and and expect the country to support them - feed clothe and house them it appears you are the idiot. Many arriving here (around 90% -official figures) are economic migrants, young single men and NOT refugees from war torn countries arriving in a region with 30%+ youth unemployment. Why does pointing that out make me racist or hypocritical? I am not taking other peoples jobs, in fact the opposite as most expats round here boost the economy. Still since you know so much I am surprised you have time to post on here given you must be busy advising the Labour Party et al on economic strategy. (before you comment - I am now retired and have time to post on the internet. If I still worked I certainly wouldn't.)
Labour party policy as it stands would leave the country to the right of where it was under John Major on lots of areas. If people think that either the Labour or Tory administrations since that point have been a success need their heads examining. Young people today have f-all chance of getting on the housing ladder, (like I did at 21), stand to have massive debts, after studying at University & are likely to have to take jobs with zero security, with no union to look after them. If that is good I'm Arjan de Zeeuw. It's easy as an older person to be complacent about the erosion of all these things & more.
Sorry mate, not with you this time there's been that little footy, there's bugger all to discuss. Maybe we should do repeats like Dave, stuff like is Rammell better off playing for the start or coming on from the bench, and anybody heard the rumour Alan Clarke is interested in the managers job
We could pretend Hecky wasn't a traitor for 10 minutes, or discuss the Redfearn / Glavin for the millionth time. (GLAVIN OBVIOUSLY).
The daily mail generation who tend to be wealthy middle class Middle Aged and beyond. They know nothing nor care of the very real struggle for many of the younger generations