SPOLIERS (for the next unreleased Fantastic Beasts movie) People are upset (stupidly IMO) because it’s been retconned that the snake that Voldemort had with him as a pet and was eventually be headed was a woman (played by an Asian lady) that was cursed to become a snake against her will.
You don’t have to be a Tory to not want to bring politics into every part of life. And **** right off with “disgrace to your class” - you weren’t even saying that to me and it pisses me off. You know nothing about him, class or otherwise.
Not sure if this was a misplaced joke or beer talking... but if it was, I don’t get it... and if it wasn’t, I don’t get you. Why all the personal attacks on here?
..if you're into a cheap shag abroad under the guise of helping the local populous. Apparently. Oxfam speaking.
Even a thread about ******* Cornish pasties has turned toxic!! Hells, EFFIN, bells! Doesn't take much to light the blue touch paper round here now days. I'm just going to stand over here, with all the decent posters, who are wall waiting for this place to calm down somewhat. Christ on a bike...or John McDonnell eating a Ploughmans Roll!!!!
Ginsters is not Cornish. To mix up these wholly different products again will result in a visit. To your home. From a member of The Fabian Society. There's nothing worse.
My life is in ruins! Their pasties aren't anywhere near Cornish in taste. To me anyway. You can get gorgeous ones in various outlets. Where do they make them? These Ginster things.. they are almost deliberately tasteless.
Made in a factory in Cornwall too. Or at least they were about 3 years ago, it's possible they've moved the factory since then (head office hasn't moved though) As for the taste I must confess I've never had one
These things are all over the place, and horrible. Co-op. Tesco Service Stations etc. Even the wife's snacks are glorious in comparison. We both watch Poldark avidly, just in case the Truro mafia are policing this board.
He donated to candidates, not to parties. Some people vote based on candidates and policies, rather than the colour of a rosette. Stupid that. Much easier to just choose your favourite colour, or the colour your dad liked.
TBF they are like something out of Fortnum and Mason compared to one I had from 'The Real Cornish Pasty Company' I was waiting for a delayed train to Leeds at Newcastle Station late one Friday afternoon having worked thru lunch before returning home. Since I had had nothing to eat since an early breakfast, the smell wafting from the kiosk selling them was tempting. Sadly when I bit into it it was all pastry, potato onion with flecks of what was more gristle than meat. Virtually tastless and the large size was down to the pastry which was thick enough and hard enough to stop a bullet. Even though I was really hungry I left half of it as it was virtually inedible.