How embarrassing is that. ? Does she realise people are laughing at her instead of with her.? Announced plans today to increase the building of additional Council houses and has pledged to end austerity. Good luck with that one. Empty rhetoric before she calls a snap election in November IMO. See they are now claiming to be the party for " everyone". Sooner they are booted out, the better. A bunch of self interested and malicious toffs who look after their own in deference to the hard working men and women of this Country. Hope the electorate see through the hype next time they get a chance to vote.
Genius. She knows she'll be out of a job within weeks, so she gets her audition in for Strictly 2019. Someone should tell her that relies on votes also...
What's most grim is not that her parties policies are brutal and dangerous for the future of the country. Not that her rhetoric in no way matches reality. And not that the cynical "end of austerity" is going to coincidentally coincide with exiting the EU, potentially with no deal. No, whats most grim about all of this is that there will be poll data behind the scenes that likely shows May in a better light when she did her stupid dance a few weeks back. There will be advisors guiding her to "be more human" because this is what far too many gullible stupid people who vote in droves hold dearest. A human who makes them laugh and isn't an automaton. Forget the brutal policies. Forget the lies. Forget their inherent biases. Just as long as they are human, the rest is immaterial. So amidst the grimness, we have a dance for votes. Beyond grim.
Just wow.... To be fair she could have cured cancer on that stage and people here would have still been hating. She did a little dance, an awkward robot like pee take out of herself. I don’t need eye bleach, it made me cringe and laugh a bit. But so what? I don’t like the woman but she’s currently doing what no one else was/is willing to do. There is no viable option to this shower at the moment. That is the only Grim thing that I see at the moment. My “good luck” with ending austerity, is hoping that it happens.
Everything is grim. And austerity didn't need to happen the way they inflicted it. You can tell this as they undersold the banks back to the markets, they undersold Royal Mail too for good measure. They pushed a few tax cuts through, for the rich, of course. Allegedly found a few quid here and there for the NHS (but only at a time of political pressure). And for good measure, gave the DUP £1.5bn-£2bn as a sweetener to stay in power. But you're right. The grimness isn't just the tories, but the "alternative" as well. There is no worse countermeasure to hope, as futility.
For years I've said, if I were God, I'd redesign the human being as follows:- 1) Completely overhaul the knee joint so you can play football with it 2) Make it possible to sleep in advance 3) Allow you to forget things on purpose 4) Make salads taste like fillet steak with chips, mushrooms and onion rings Now you know why no 3 is vital.
There is an option a viable option but whilst ever the media are able to fry a few brains and kick up an argument that isn’t even there it won’t come to fruition. What are the Tories and Blairites afraid of ? Oh yes it’s the billions they have given to their friends
Its comments like the latter that make labour unelectable to the general public. As it entrenches, it appeals strongly to its existing core vote, but its increasingly losing the liberal and centrist vote. With Scotland gone, it can't win an election (and there is no way May will call an election either). It's impossible to make the seats stack up unless voters left the tories and went to ukip (which doesn't really exist anymore so that's not going to happen). Sadly, Labour seems more intent on become as "pure" as it can be, lacking diversity and challenge and despite being a party for the members, dragging its heels on tiny wording changes that seem beyond simple to accept. The ridiculousness of its Brexit text at the conference was embarrassing. Though so thick skinned, embarrassment evades them. And generally, its stance on Brexit is so bizarre you couldn't make it up. Fine, come up with tests that smack of Gordon Brown rigour. Fine, even make some of them multiple based statements (not ideal, as they are harder to satisfy) and fine, if you want to come up with tests that would be failed by your own stance and policies. But don't expect to be treated like a sensible party in doing so. I think its really sad. Hold the left ground by all means. But its so divisive to cut off a centre ground that millions of voters reside in. Divisive, and bloody stupid.
The centerists who inflicted the Iraqi war and austerity on us. Tempting to return to that but let’s try not.
It’s the liberals and centrists that are tearing the party apart . They and they alone are making the party unelectable There is nothing in labours manifesto that isn’t deliverable or outrageous . They can’t find individual policies to attack so they try and split the party by atracking individuals and creating scaremongering rumours . It’s the centre ground that attacks the left and has done for years The likes of Nye Bevan and the spirit of 48 cane from the left. The centrists hold a holier than thou attitude such as yourself portrays and makes out the left of the party are sweeping everything before them but the truth is Tony Blair and his ilk were more controlling if the Labour Party than Jeremy Corbyn could ever be.. it’s the people like John Mann who have their own agendas that impose their views on others and won’t compromise who are the bullies of the party.
I don't lime Theresa may but I don't see what she's done wrong there. She's a woman in her 60's how many of them do you know who look cool when they dance? Is her job to look cool? To have an exciting home life where she gets pissed every night and go clubbing at weekends? Or is it to be good at running the country? Now I'm not saying she's good at running the country but frankly I couldn't care less how cool she is or how daft she looks dancing. But then again I didn't care whether somebody looked like a prat eating a bacon sandwich either