Ive seen a few bits on here praising the fans for the support yesterday and away from home all season and was wondering why at times we don't have the same backing at home. There's nothing better than the ponty end in full voice but it's been few and far between the last few years sadly. What sort of things could be done to generate some atmosphere?
Hopefully after a great win yesturday more people will take up the good offer of 10 quid a adult and kids a quid and get down oakwell and get behind them against Luton on Saturday.
Needs to have someone to get the crowd going. Unfortunately the club hasn't got a grasp on how that is done. Sound equipment & media needs to be sorted. I play big events & I cringe. Still hard with the West Stand how it is, but a lot of things could be massively improved. Toby Tyke isn't enough these days. I'd happily talk to someone about improving this, at no cost, just as a fan, who works at festivals, big crowds, etc. At the moment it is poor. It is not a criticism of the current announcer, who is excellent, but has f-all to work with.
It needs demolishing, that's what's up with it. The poor buggers caught in the rainstorm the other week were drowned, and some no doubt paid 30 quid for the privilege
Not sure if you have noticed, but half of it is closed? Most uncovered. Sound system lacking. Toilets? Catering? I guess as a sadomasochist it is perfect? I realise sorting that bit of the ground is not a priority, but my post wasn't about that, was it?
It's even worse in this league with hardly any away fans turning up. Next Saturday will be more flat than a usual Saturday due to the early kick off.
All of that is true but that are plenty who would keep it exactly as it is, purely for sentimental reasons. It makes no sense though, especially when so much of it is out of bounds. I really wish we could just knock it down and build something fit for purpose. I would be sad to see it go, like many, but it really needs to be replaced.
For me an architect could come up with a plan to build a stand that could pay homage to the original. Ground ownership will be the driver of this. At present that side of the ground may as well be a bus station. The plan needs to be more about having supporters bar / function room / venue. We only have so many fans, but we have space that is being wasted.
Stop persecuting the young lads in the top of the ponty by the east stand. That’s where the noise is generated but it’s ****** when none of them turn up/thrown out/made to sit else where Yes some are dickheads but you show me a thirty plus year old bloke who says they weren’t a disk head at18 after a few sherbets and I’ll show you a liar.
Well I have because it was there when I started in the 62/63 season as the only place you could sit down at the match. We had only 2,000 seats in a ground that had seen over 40,000 crammed in for a cup tie many years before. I used to go upstairs for the odd reserve match, but only when I could sneak past the steward checking tickets, or whatever they used to do then. Just after half time was a good bet. My very first season ticket was in the centre stand, right next to the directors' box. £3 0s 0d was a lot for a 14 year old in 1966 and I had to witness a dismal season with the likes of Harry Duerden and Alan Hopper playing in a struggling side. It felt special sitting up there though, but I never repeated that pleasure!
This year I am in the back of the ponty near gangway 1, never been this far left of the goal but every game there is plenty of singing around us, yet we can't hear the lads at the other end of the stand, perhaps it's a matter of acoustics
That's certainly where the noise/atmosphere starts but when the team are really buzzing it permeates down three sides of the ground. Sadly this happens all too rarely (meaning the "Come on you Reds" coming from all sides). Last Tuesday was a prime example - the atmosphere as flat as it could be from the start and it never really picked up even though we got an early goal. Footballers are inspired by crowd reaction and a good atmosphere can make them up their game significantly. Look at Moncur yesterday - he's been coasting a lot of the time but was clearly fired up for this one. His gesturing to the crowd after two of our goals wasn't the brightest thing he could do but you could understand why he did it. We all hated SSW when he scored for Wednesday but the same applies. Football is played as much in the mind as on the grass. I don't know why that is, but it is.
You have lost me even more now. The Ponty wasn't empty vs Plymouth? I have really no idea what you are talking about. I was talking about communication / promotion at the match & mentioned the gaping gap in the ground. Interested to get your input.
They aren't persecuted. They refuse to sit in their seats, they're pissed and some do drugs. Criticising them isn't persecution