Why do people keep saying knock down the stand ??? I have been going down to oakwell for a very long time I have been in all 4 sides to watch the reds play Fans choose to go wherever there want to watch the games I wonder how many people sit there wants it knocked down
Against the stand: Poor facilities (both for supporters and the club) Poor acoustics for the rest of he ground Eyesore (sorry to all who like it but the recent bodge job repairs have rendered it an eyesore) Vast amounts of wasted space Expensive to maintain For: A small section of it is old
Good comments But what winds me up is that most people who hates the stand that much don’t even go in the stand Yes I do get wet and cold but it’s all part of the game
As a building (and a landmark) it's an awesome bit of history but so far as taking the club forward, it's getting in the way unfortunately. If we could move it, brick by brick to the carpark it could make a truly unique club shop, ticket office and/or supporters bar. Probably not doable though...
No but they have to look at it! Lets the rest of the ground down. That perimeter wall with broken glass. Straight out the of the 70s.
Good post , I sit on there with my Grandkids & I get fed up of people suggesting that we should get shut , we love it & long may it be a part of Oakwell
You forget that while you may think it only affects you you are looking at three great stands, we are looking at an eyesore (with the sun in our eyes because its too small to block out the sun). It's not just those in it who are affected by it
Its been there since Adam was a lad & the sun has always shone , I suggest wearing sun glasses & I love the west stand & am not affected by it at all .
I think it's an embarassing eyesore which is continually used as an object of ridicule by opposing fans and the media. I think it should either be demolished, or properly renovated so that it can be used in its entirely. I do however realise that other opinions are available.
Little old Barnsley. Good old little Barnsley, punching above our weight. A tramp wouldn't sleep in the West Stand, but we're good old, little old Barnsley, and we're happy with what we've got. #teamslikebarnsley #standsliketheweststand
You're back in town before anyone in the East Stand has got out of the ground. Splinter by splinter. I've had season tickets for most of the last 12 years in the East Stand and I can't think of any time you get the sun in your eyes. Maybe a night game in July or August like the WBA game this year. The North Stand in an afternoon game is a problem for away fans when the much bigger Ponty doesn't block the sun.
It’s the only good stand we’ve got! Get it refurbished. Other clubs have done that. Why can’t we? The other three are soulless empty, cold breeze block and plastic non entities that look like a bigger version of Glanford park. Up the West Stand!!
The thing that gets me is the west stand only houses 2000 odd seats and the boardroom facilities underneath. If it ever came to knocking it down in the near future we’d be left with the 2 paddocks (now seating of course) in isolation and even more open to the elements than they already are. For me I’d knock it down, build a proper tiered stand behind the paddocks somehow close off the corner to the ponty and then incorperating dressings rooms in the new stand away we go
The amount it would cost to refurbish we'd be better buying a new stand. Needs bulldozing, its not fit for purpose.
When you say you get back in town quicker coukd that possibly be because it's nearer to town? You sure you don't recall seeing people in the east stand covering their eyes from the sun? Happens regularly
No it hasn't. A small section of it has. The rest is all new additions. This doesn't affect your opinion of the overall stand or anything but what do you think about the 'renovations' to the gantry and gable ends that Patrick cryne had done in the last few years? Genuine question
Is there another glanford park with stands similar to ours? I've only ever visited the one at Scunthorpe
It's not beyond the realms of architectural design to keep the main structure and facade but gut the innards and replace them with facilities fit for purpose - seats with proper legroom in the upper tier would be a start. I've sat in the pressbox a few times down the years and unless they've changed things this season, it's an appalling experience. Desks and seating that wouldn't look out of place in a 1950's primary school. Once you've shoehorned yourself into one of the desks, you're not getting out in a hurry!!