Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on Smart Watches for Android phones. I have a Motorola G6 so can't use Apple Watch. I know @tykester once mentioned the Gear3 but I can't find anywhere that says it will be compatible with Motorola. Thanks in advance
The top end fitbit looks very decent. Not got one myself but looks a decent option and isnt too badly priced. https://www.fitbit.com/uk/versa
I've got the new Fitbit Versa. Been waiting for a decent one for ages and although my phone, OnePlus 5, isn't on the compatibility list it works fine. There were teething problems to start with but these seem to have been fixed. Got it mostly for reading texts and being able to answer calls on my earphones as I'm out walking most of day. I'm with Santander so can use the Fitbit Pay too. It's got 2gb memory on board if u want to put tunes on it. Not a bad price for £200ish
https://us.amazfit.com/shop I'm using the Bip with my G6 works perfectly. Cost around £40 delivered from china via www.aliexpress.com also available via ebay amazon etc but more expensive.
Didn't realise you could link Fitbit up to your phone to receive text etc... Can you make calls from it too?
Thanks @leeupo I've bought a couple of cheap smart watches before which all seem to link up via Bluetooth which kind of act like a speaker as such, so even if I answered my phone it's self when ringing it the call always played through the watch. Unlike apple watch. Does the Bip work independently? Can you answer either or? Can you answer your phone it's self and speak on the phone without the call playing through the watch? Thanks Sooty
The bip works independently, and connects via Bluetooth to your phone. It displays emails, texts etc on the screen. It shows when your phone is ringing but you need to use the phone to talk.
I suppose it's all down to how much you want to spend, I've got a Gear3 and I love it, very aesthetically pleasing.
You can set up 5 auto responses so if you just want to reply ''ok' you can do it from the watch. You can accept or reject calls on the watch but not talk. I use the accept as I take the call on my earphones