It’s ******* awful. Timerider was idiosyncratic to say the least but if nothing else it was a tune you only heard at Oakwell.
I’m not a fan of playing it just before the game. Don’t mind the song or Neil Diamond generally but we are known for cocoon from the hitman and her, like Everton have z cars, chelsea have liquidator and Newcastle have going home, from local hero. They still play cocoon - but briefly and sped up a bit. Not sure what’s going on. Leave sweet Caroline to cas and the cricket. What next, chase the sun - a la the darts?
I love it. Only problem today was, it had to be cut off as the players came out. Start it a bit earlier next week please, so we can hear more of it.
Don’t mind the song and quite a good rousing sing along, especially with a pint in yer, my only gripe with it is it is played by other clubs too and Wolves have played it for years in particular.
But in what universe is that still ok .. all that says is our taste is just worse than everyone else's. No matter how bad sweet Caroline is... It still knock' timeriders socks off
I have the same gripe there are millions of songs surely we can find one that no one else uses let's be a bit original I found it a bit embarrassing when we did never walk alone or more recently the Winnall on fire song, I think the more upbeat sing along type songs are a good idea to get the crowd joining in. We could throw some ideas out on this thread,
Played at T20 cricket matches so David Lloyd can have his moment. Played to death at boxing pre fight such as the last Joshua match. Played all the time at PDC Darts. We've jumped on the copying bandwagon.
I could be wrong here, but doesn't it stem from Bradford away when a group of young cheerleaders performed in front of us away fans? Sweet Caroline was one of the songs they danced to and all the Barnsley fans joined in, in high spirits, and that good atmosphere carried on throughout the game. Personally, I can't stand the song as I've heard it done to death by countless old men in Farahs and sandals in dodgy holiday karaoke bars. But if someone at the club has identified this song as being able to lift spirits, then I don't mind us temporarily adopting long as it is temporary. Plus, according to my Uncle Ken, the font of all knowledge, Neil Diamond is a massive Wednesday fan!!!
It’s certainly a Ford song and it’s played at the END of each game - usually a win! - for the players to celebrate with the Fans. I wouldn’ Mind that at Oakwell. Love Timerider for them to come out to. Reminds me that we might one day compete with the giants of the Premier League: Bournemouth, Burnley, Watford, Cardiff, Fulham, Leicester, etc...sigh
Jeez, lighten up folks its a football ground that attracts a wide spectrum of ages with all tastes, I can't stand a lot of the modern 'bump' bump 'bump ***** but I get that you have to cater for all ages
You’ll never be able to please every one with the song choice. However, I must say that it isn’t a great choice. I guess it’s meant so that fans join in but they really don’t.
It shows how bad it is that I've heard it very game but until this thread I had no idea it was supposed to get the crowd going. I thought it was just a random song they were playing along with all the others before games and that our 'dj' was just lazy and reusing songs. Had no idea it was supposed to be part of the build up