The first men's skiing world cup competition of the season was supposed to take place today in Sölden, Austria. It's been cancelled due to snow on the course.
Didn’t realise it started so early so looked it up. Women’s race took place yesterday but men too wimpy to ski in a bit of heavy snow
Presumably you’re not a skier then? It is ironic to cancel a ski competition for too much snow but if you have skied, you’ll know it has to be done. And would you fancy doing upwards of 100 mph on two bits of wood if it was blowing a gale?
Speaking of jumping in with both feet have you ever tried to ski down the Hahnenkamm - the Downhill course that is - I was struggling with lots of extra turns - how anyone could point their ski's straight down the hill there is beyond my understanding
I've never tried that but I have been down the world cup course at Sölden on many occasions. It's ok with lots of turns but, as you say, the thought of going straight down is frightening! My speed record is 55mph, some of these guys approach 100mph and I believe the world record is 156mph. I've absolutely no bottle for that I'm afraid!
Never skiied Solden but I have been down quite a few world cup downhills - they vary in difficulty by a large amount,. quite a few are just red runs such as the original downhill course (the OK ) in Val d'Isere or the George Maduit in Meribel where on many sections you can pretend to be a downhill racer and let your ski's run with very few turns but the new courses called La Face in both resorts are serious black runs - especially the one in Val Disere, but they arent even close to as black as the Hahnenkamm - easily the most difficult run I have skied (excluding a few off-piste routes ) Anything over 50mph feels quite fast doesnt it - I rarely go above that these days - typically on my Ski Tracks app on a fast day I get to around 80kph and thats putting my foot down - I do remember once trying with a friend to set a personal record on a steep section with a good run out and getting to 58mph and almost needing new underwear - I was a bit younger and bolder then doubt I will ever get to those speeds again at least not on purpose. I have stood on top of the flying Kilometer at les Arcs where the nutters do go for speeds of 150mph and its mental to even think of pointing your ski's down it. Its usually closed with nets across every 200m or so to stop the fearless recreational skiiers from having a go
50mph (80km/h) is about my limit these days (I'm 63), and that even when conditions are perfect and there's no kids about. It's a weird feeling, hurtling down a slope, becoming airborne from time to time, wind blasting, helmet whistling, skis chattering and flapping on the snow...…….and I'm sitting in Dodeth! Not long now...….
You should try it, at least once. I get a season long Tyrol ski pass ( which is valid at 90 resorts in Austria. I'm in Sölden for 2 weeks at Christmas and New Year, then a week in February and another in March. I usually beg/borrow a car from a local there and drive to other resorts. Sölden is a banging nightlife place but there are quieter places for "more mature" people too, and lots of good eateries. Snow is guaranteed as it's a high glacier (up to 3400m) and there's skiing from mid October to early May. I love snow...
Its on my bucket list ( as is Schladming) and I hope to get there one day - do most of my skiing in France as its an easier drive and I love Chalet holidays - not many Austrian resorts do those ( St Anton and Lech excepted) I do as long as its on a mountain - not so keen when its on Surreys roads
many years ago while I was Stioned at RAF Guersloh we went to Garmsch Partenkirchen for the Zuggspitz. We took a day across to Innsbruck I had a crack down the Ladies Giant slalom course.... scared the **** out of me , but I made it all the way without a tumble..... however the adrenalin was totally flowing... I was no where near as fast as the ladies but wow it was hairy.
Only ever went on 1 chalet holiday, years ago in Val D'Isere. It was a nightmare, I missed just about every evening meal as I always bumped into someone and ended up having beers and eating out somewhere. Never tried it since, I prefer B & B so I can eat/drink at will in the evenings. Maybe we should put together a BBS ski team? We could start with: - @Stahlrost @Farnham_Red @Dragon Tyke @Lone Striker I wonder who else would be in it...…?
?? is that some form of inverted snobbery - are we all supposed to be going to whippet racing or something
Its just something that most people in this country cant afford to do. I associate anything expensive with the tories now. Its just how I am.