No, because I haven't a clue how much were talking or how much the running costs are for the football club, but I do know that if I sold my business I'd be keeping hold of the contents of the bank account.
I have no idea either. I just don't understand that if you think that way, and I don't, I don't know what's happened, but if you think that all the money we made from selling players was taken by an individual, rather than put back in to the club, how that makes that individual a hero of that club. Doesn't make sense to me.
You obviously assume we made profit over the whole period of ownership. And you obviously assume we operate as a cooperative.
What counter argument do you want me to give? I haven't made any accusations, all I've done is ask questions. I've made it perfectly clear that I don't know the situation and by doing so it's obvious that I'm not making assumptions. I can pander to you if you really want me to, but if you just point the finger at me and make accusations that are demonstrably untrue then I'm not sure what response you expect.
I'm looking at it purely from a business point of view. Why would you leave your money in the coffers for someone else who's worth billions?
It’s easy to point and accuse, it’s not easy to view both sides, I don’t profess to knowing any facts, or do I want to take sides in a he said she said argument, maybe I’m guilty of assuming your post meant something when it didn’t to you but I read it as such. What is true is that there is an air of skullduggery about the whole investment issue whenever it’s raised. I firmly believe whatever was owed was paid back and if it had bells on too then so be it.
Neither of us know whether that has happened or not. But personally, if I had a lot of money (I don't and never will have and therefore my argument can be said to be ballacks because I'm not in that situation and I'm speaking from ideals rather than reality) Barnsley FC wouldn't be a business to me. I'd leave the money there because I'd want Barnsley to do well whether I'm around to see it or not. If I had an IT business or I sold Steel or I ran a window cleaning business then I'd take the money out. If I owned Barnsley FC I wouldn't. Having said all that, I'm not suggesting Patrick Cryne did. I have zero knowledge on this.
Personally i think it was nice and if things were done openly and honestly instead of hidden away deliberately stopping supporters from know g the truth about financial matters
As people on here will know - I was wanting Patrick to sell the club for the last 10 years or more - basically because in the scheme of things Patrick wasn’t wealthy enough to own a Championship club. I don’t know who’s suggesting that the money from recent transfer sales went to the Cryne family - but I sincerely hope that all money made by the club in the last few years went to the Cryne family - because they deserve it. And - when everything has been added up during their tenure of the club, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Cryne family will have spent much more money on the club than they ever got back.
But surely I'm allowed, as a Barnsley fan of almost 45 years, to ask questions? I'm not accusing, I'm going out of my way not to accuse, I'm just asking. That's OK isn't it?
Fair enough I know Pat wanted the money he gave BFC back. He was a benefactor. I never begrudged him wanting that money back. Personally I'd just like to have an idea of what BFC saw of the remaining money (Cryne's money was his own business) and how the new directors are going to work with it. Do we have stability or any respectable buying power?
I've noticed that too. And another question I'd like to ask is why isn't OK? That bugs me a lot, more than the initial question.
When you buy a business, that includes the assets doesn't it, the money in the bank being part of that? You know more about this than I do. And again, for the hard of thinking, I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm asking someone I know who has experience of buying a business what exactly is involved.
Undertstand where you're coming from, but the new guys are loaded and Cryne taking his money out won't be to the detriment of the club and neither would it have been to the club's advantage had he donated it to the new owners.
The club owed PC money though didn't it. So surely the assets were minus the resettlement of those loans.