Same as every other year...... Good for him that he lives in a country with freedom of choice.
If he so chooses who are we to argue. For what it’s worth I and many many others think his stance is wrong but hey, choices and all that. What is a shame is that his employees feel the need to explain
God I hate poppy nazis almost as much as actual ones. I have a lovely purple one this year to commemorate fallen animals.
I've got the details and will be looking for a white poppy this year. The war dead are not just the armed forces.
There seems to have been a push to equate the red poppy with the armed forces. For me, the tragedy of the world wars was that the majority of those who died weren't in the armed forces, they were ordinary people who joined up. That's the point of it all. We remember the sacrifice ordinary people made. I think Harry Smith has said he doesn't wear one for similar reasons
That's it fella for me too. When the red poppy was about remembering ordinary people forced into world wars protecting us it meant much more. Then those people passed away and so now it's as much about those who decided themselves to join the army, earn a wage and get sent into battles around the world that aren't ours to get involved in. That's when the red poppy lost meaning to me.
Nice to see a post that supplies the appropriate respect for those that died. They shall not be forgotten, at least by many. They may have been lions of men often led by donkeys, but at least they were men, and deserving the greatest of respect. Why we would use their day, to respect the animal rather than the man, is beyond me. Pick another day and leave the red poppy for the day of the fallen. Our relatives. Without their sacrifice, we may not possess so much as the ability to post our freely held views on here.
It’s about who you want to remember . Taking the respect from someone you knew just because others are remembering those you disagree with seems a bit petty to me tbh
If you want to wear a red, white, purple or sky blue with dots poppy, fine. People can pay respects to who they like for whatever reason they wish. They should not, however, be pressured or shamed into doing it. The gutter press have whipped up a frenzy of jingoism this last couple of decades that has exploited some of their readership's tendencies in pursuit of nothing more than flogging papers and their owners' financial gain. They feed off division and finger pointing and have devalued the genuine demonstration of respect and replaced it with tribalism.
I don't agree with him but thanks to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, ironically those whom the poppy commemorates, he has the choice not to wear one.
Not quite the same but I feel its quite sad that after the Leicester helicopter crash people feel the need to SHOW that they care and it seems just to be so thry can show it. Look at me, I care. Photo opportunities next to the crash site or next to tributes. Leicester players holding a tribute at the ground, fair enough. Feeling they have to invite the media to show everyone is just a sad state of affairs though. Vardy posing next to a wreath just so everyone knows he's been. Personally I don't need everyone to look at me caring about someone or something and I think it's sad that we've created a society where its more important to be seen to be caring than to actually care Thoughts and prayers
It seems to me that poppy day is the same as it's always been. Remembering the fallen. It's quite simple The press are of no consequence to this day. We're not stupid. We know what we think. It's amazing how many a poster comes on here and talks about the influence of the press upon the masses, yet somehow said poster is immune from such influence despite all the rest of us being fooled. Well we aren't fooled. We know what sacrifices were made. Remember the fallen.