Unconfirmed reports seem to suggest that the UK has agreed a Financial Services agreement with EU negotiators and they hope that they can make progress in other areas , so that a deal for us to leave can finally be put in place. Let's hope it's true.
I've been slowly sawing off my scrotum since Article 50 was triggered. One balls up deserves another.
I think at the end of the day we just have to accept that 17.4 million people were conned by enemies of the state into thinking this idiotic idea could in any way be in their interests. Clearly it is not. End of.
It's a mess , it was always going to be . Funny thing is, immigration , the main reason that the referendum was won and lost seems to have paled into insignificance now that the real **** is hitting the fan .
What we really need to worry about is the millennium bug. All our computers will be bricks and planes will fall from the sky....
There is a story about Buzz Aldrin that someone once told him the moon missions were a big conspiracy and Aldrin's response was to punch him. I'm not quite in the same position with Y2K, but I did spend the best part of two years working 50+ hour weeks so that my employer at the time wasn't affected by any of the known issues with the millennium bug. And most of my contempories were doing the same everywhere in the country. Fixing the millennium bug cost several hundred million just in the UK, and experts examined the problems, found the solutions and fixed them. Compare this to Brexit where complete liars and charlatans are in charge, experts are ignored and most people don't understand the full implications and those that do are sidelined and ignored.
I just wonder whether the money has come from Russia, America, or both. Both have a vested interest in reducing the power of the EU as a threat to their dominance.
End of? Is that a promise? Yeah I was conned a couple of years ago. The enemies of the state bought a big bus and put dubious slogans on the side of it. This groomed me, along with lots of other literature (none of which I can bring to mind) into voting contrary to how I should have voted. I should have voted to stop in. But like a football match, when the ref gets conned by a player and the final score is not what I think it ought to be, nevertheless I must accept the result.
Completely agree with the comparison to a dodgy football referee. So of course being two years on, 2 seasons in footballing terms, we should get the opportunity to do it all again and hope for better results... just like we do in football. And of course, if it were found one of the teams involved had won unfairly, an illegal campaign... we could just overturn that result and award a mandatory 3-0 for the Europeans.
It seemed a level playing field to me. We had leaflets through the door from the government. We had as many scare stories from one as the other. We had competing campaigns based upon prejudices patriotism and poppycock. We had precious little idea of how complicated it all would be. But it won't be the end of the world. When it's done. Getting promoted is far more important than getting Brexit sorted. Agreed?
It's going to be ugly...very. very ugly. When the boneheads realise they've been conned, they won't turn on the politicians who lied, but anyone with a suntan. I'm quite afraid.