Both Pinnock and Lindsay performed well defensively. The passing from both of them was absolutely atrocious. Shocking.
Bahre looks and plays like a really poor man's David Platt. So there. I wonder if he has an unusually deep voice.
Yep, I do think that. Not sure where you're going with the "ever played" bit. We've all played football.
I don't understand why we signed Bahre considering the players we already have at the club and the deficiencies we have in certain areas and I don't understand how he gets in the team considering how poor his performances are. And our manager must think the same as he drags him off in just about every game.
This is exactly how I saw it. Can’t believe I’ve read posts saying things like ‘Pinnock didn’t put a foot wrong’. First half he played so many “hospital balls” it was unreal. Then Lindsay started spraying it about all over second half. Maybe they had a competition between themselves?
First few games I saw Bahre play I thought he was excellent. Showed lots of neat touches, going past players and playing some decent balls. But the last 2 games at home that I’ve seen he’s been very poor. I suppose it’s understandable that players at this level are inconsistent, particularly when moving countries. Hopefully he’ll pick up again soon.
It is hard to work out what position he's supposed to be playing. He seems to clog things up rather than facilitate attacks. He certainly isn't a goal threat. I can't recall a shot. He got caught in possession today more than once, in circumstances vulnerable to us. If you play two upfront, who gets kicked out to accommodate him in midfield?
Thiam was the best player on the pitch 1st half Potts wasn't his best today but Potts contributed well all season with assists and goals. Thiam has 4 goals and a assist from the wing in 10 starts. I'm just not sure what all the fuss is about bahre people have been blowing smoke up his arse for weeks over rated for me but I hope he proves me wrong. Not a patch on moncur.
Hedges made a difference vhen he came on, he should really be getting a run of games now. Ve lack natural vingers, Isgrove must be the only man in football who gets veekends off.
This is moncurs 1st season in league one for us he got slated in the championship and has been by a fair few this season. But some on here think bahre has been great so far. All I'm saying is they must be seeing something I haven't anonymous mostly. Hope he comes good though.
I like them both to be honest both make mistakes from time to time pinnock has been the best of the 2 this season. I know both have apparently had clubs looking at them. But Lindsay is very over rated by a few on here and how someone can discribe his passing as superb today I'm unsure must of watched a diffrent game to me. He played one good through ball for hedges who was alleged offside and Woodrow tapped in.
Pinnock would’ve cost us 2 goals in the first 10 minutes against any half decent side, there’s no way Lindsay had a worse game than that