Anybody on here had varicose vein treatment .Been to Dr but theres no funding so I was wandering what kind of prices I would be looking at going private.Only one leg needs treatment, varicose veins not spider veins.
This may not help at all, but following 2 dvts (blood clots in the deep vein in my knee area) and bad varicose veins at ankle level due to the "pump" at the bottom of my leg packing up, i recently met specialists at Addenbrookes to discuss vv treatment. In the end we agreed that vv treatment was not the way to go, as if I suffer another dvt then my blood would not be able to get back to my heart as my vv had been filled with foam! HTH
Co-incidentally last week diagnosed with DVT left leg just below & behind knee. Had superficial thrombosis a couple of years ago but this time worse. Now feel like a human dartboard as I am having to self administer 800mg Clexane twice daily for the next three months. Went to Drs Thursday evening ,Colour dopple scan Friday afternoon at the specialist clinic sent straight to A&E as it was triage'd code yellow and saw specialist ECG etc and by 7 pm had some Clexane syringes to see me through the weekend til I could get the Dr to give me the prescription for more. All this in Italy! Bad news is no walking for several days, and wife has to drive everywhere 'cos I am not allowed to operate the clutch!! Not sure how long it would have taken me to get a scan appointment in the NHS even in the good old days.
Sorry to heat that, Telly. Hope you're well soon. Even with the NHS you would probably be seen straight away with this. Excuse the fact it’s daily mail, but gives the type of treatment and likely costs.